Brutal/Slam Death Metal

Are they just change and their sound appeals to more people...

Not too sure what you meant here, maybe "or they just change and their sound appeals to more people"

If thats the case then I dont believe it, bands dont change so much just like that because they feel like it, its definitely because they want more money.
I would consider it pure brutal dm; obviously not slam bdm or anything. Actually, it sounds more brutal to my ears than a lot of slam bdm does. It's skullcrushingly heavy. It's a very good CD, but I dunno if I would quite rank it in my top ten of the year.
What do you think of these bands? Haven't heard them though...

Laboratory Sickness

Progressive/Brutal Death Metal?

I really like bands with great leads, however, if leads/solos will be incorporated in Slam songs, will it still be good? For me, I think it will be just fine...opinions? Do you know Slam Death bands that does great solos?

As for Human Mastication, yeah, those two new songs are really tight! Good production...
Ambrazura is cool but iirc not "brutal." Gotta check out the other two bands. A good "melodic/brutal DM" band (as in combines elements of both genres) would be the semi-local yet now broken-up Acephalus (burpy vocals and great solos, yes!). Morbus is another one, from Venezuela...good fast, tight brutal death with excellently written solos. Gorgasm, Necrotic Disgorgement, some Vomit Remnants songs, etc also have great solos!

In other words; solos are fine in slam!

Oh, and we were talking about Prostitute Disfigurement earlier; they pull some amazingly slick leads sometimes...!
Yeah they have a couple here and there. Not that often, but they do exist.

OK now that Nick and I are talking about it (cuz you made me double take you fucker! :p), I think only the Soils Of Fate cover (Faces Of The Deceased) has solos...VR and SOF are super-similar so that's probably where I got confused. Hey, maybe VR does have solos and we're all just deaf or retarded (and not just me...), but listen to Soils Of Fate!!
Yeah they have a couple here and there. Not that often, but they do exist.

OK now that Nick and I are talking about it (cuz you made me double take you fucker! :p), I think only the Soils Of Fate cover (Faces Of The Deceased) has solos...VR and SOF are super-similar so that's probably where I got confused. Hey, maybe VR does have solos and we're all just deaf or retarded (and not just me...), but listen to Soils Of Fate!!

Haha, oh ok... hehe...

anyways, check this band also...

Instrument of Torture (Philippines)

I haven't heard it because myspace is still blocked here in the office... might listen to it during lunch time (myspace is unblocked during non-office hours, hehe)