Brutal/Slam Death Metal

Keep in mind that VVVVV and cookiecutter frequently masturbate over Digested Flesh

My taste in death metal, on the other hand, is impeccable, so I suggest you listen to me and get on with the Despondency worshipping
Only Nick really masturbates over DF. I find them pretty good, but nothing amazing. Just cuz it's in the blog doens't mean BOTH of us hardcore believe in it! :lol:

JK check out Despondency for sure. They're good enough for Nick and I, and Henrik masturbates over A Mouth Full Of Gods Flesh :p
yea they suck, name is sorta what youd expect from metalcore or somtin like that

more like scenecore. I fucking hate that band. I messaged them on myspace and told them to stop making music. whats even worse is their fans think they're grindcore when they're not even close to being actual grindcore.
The '08 Central Illinois Metalfest is looking to be seriously amazing. They just posted a few more confirmed bands today:

What amazes me is that, with Devourment and Incantation being there, they haven't even announced the headliners yet.
I just got a bunch of brutal death from cookiecutter. Included are Wormed, Devourment, Soils of Fate and Dripping.

Expect future posts here with my assessments of this new territory (for me).