Brutal/Slam Death Metal

Just listened to Ritual Of Flesh. Still a great raw yet melodic and epic Colombian slam album. Amazing breakdowns, ridiculous soloing, and great throaty vocals.
Benighted aren't really slam death or brutal death (as a whole genre). They're like super varied deathcore/slam (kinda)/melodic death. I like them but they're not really brutal or slam death metal. They also really came out of nowhere. No one knew who they were before Identisick.

I recommend you Sourpuz. Seriously, I'm not joking. Rape your face off.
Awesome, definitely let us know what you like + dislike. I'm sure we can find things to fit your needs.

Ok, could you help me...

Directed at Cookiecutter and V.V.V.V.V

You guys got me going with the brutal shit but I need some stuff that has excellent song writing. I want to be able to listen to the song a thousand times on replay. I want that addicting factor where I can sing along to the lyrics and riffs. Make sense?
Ok, could you help me...
I want that addicting factor where I can sing along to the lyrics and riffs. Make sense?


I can just picture you sitting at a red light somewhere blasting Human Rejection. You look over at the guy in the car next to and scream "WWWRRRRRRRRRREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE"!
Cenotaph - Pseudo Verminal Cadaverium. LOTS going on and each song is a nice little ride. Not the most memorable, but there are definitely a few parts that will stick out.

WORMED - best slam album since Molesting the Decapitated imo.

If you want a newer release check out this year's release by Infernal Revulsion. Great heavy slam but with so much more. Long songs that keep your attention throughout.

I can just picture you sitting at a red light somewhere blasting Human Rejection. You look over at the guy in the car next to and scream "WWWRRRRRRRRRREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE"!

Haha I hate that band with a passion though. Funny anyways.

Cenotaph - Pseudo Verminal Cadaverium. LOTS going on and each song is a nice little ride. Not the most memorable, but there are definitely a few parts that will stick out.

WORMED - best slam album since Molesting the Decapitated imo.

If you want a newer release check out this year's release by Infernal Revulsion. Great heavy slam but with so much more. Long songs that keep your attention throughout.

I hate Wormed, but I will try them again.

I need something memorable.
OK I just gave Devourment - 1.3.8 the honor of being my first listen of a full BDM album. My assessment: most songs sound pretty much the same with either straight blasting and those groovy slam parts. Most of the riffs are indistinguishable from one another, especially on the earlier tracks. They all sound like puffs of fuzz.

Two songs did stand out, however; them being "Postmortal Coprophagia" and "Molesting the Decapitated". I liked these songs better because they added better riffs and guitar sound to the preexisting blast/slam formula. I also like the bass solo on "Fucked Of Death".

Overall I would call this a great set of songs to play in the background while focusing attention on other tasks. Listening to it on its own left me longing for it to end. A good start I guess.

And now I'm listening to Emperor to cleanse the palette.
Sounds like you just need to develop an ear for the style because, while all songs follow a similar pattern (blast/groove), at least on that album the songs are very distinct and the production is audible. Just remember songs 2-4 are demo versions of the songs later on and have worse production.

At least you gave it an honest shot, which is more than most who bash Devourment can say.

EDIT: My favorite is either Postmortal Coprophagia or Choking On Bile
I plan on giving WORMED my next listen, but I still need to recover from subjecting myself to that Texas Eardrum Massacre.

Didn't know WORMED were from Spain. New country for me, metalwise; always a plus.
Like CC said, just develop an ear for it. 3 or 4 years ago, I called Brodequin I can easily tell apart every (awesome) nuance. I am very appreciative of my trained-ear for slam now.
My problem with slam is that I just can't take it seriously. It can be pretty catchy, I guess, but the rythmic "hip-hoppish" vibe makes it kind of awkward to listen to.