Brutal/Slam Death Metal

Things like Deeds Of Flesh (Septycal Gorge, Goretrade, Ancient Necopsy, Amputated Genitals...I could go on forever) are not very hip-hop-esque. Try those.
Well, the whole idea of slam is the rhythmic "hip-hoppish" so you really can't get away from it. If you want to try some Brutal Death, maybe stick to the technical stuff. If you want some slammy bands without so obvious "hip-hop" try Malignancy or Septycal Gorge
I want to hear these "hip-hop" slams. I am being serious. I keep fazing in and out of Slam Death Metal. Maybe these will help get back in with the "cathcyness".
I love Devourment but I need more of these "hip-hop" slams

You guys love to keep talking about Human Rejection in face. Haha. I dont mind the music but the vocals make me vomit.I hate pig noises.
Therory in Practice is a Tech Death band. They're pretty good & they make an interesting listen. I've had their first albunm & I never realy listened to it so I'm trying to familiarize myself with that one. Check out Colonizing the Sun if you get the chance. Fuck, there's a Tech Death thread here...

I'll check out Devourment tonight if I have the time when I get off. I'll check out a few tunes & see what all the talk's about.
Cenotaph - Pseudo Verminal Cadaverium. LOTS going on and each song is a nice little ride. Not the most memorable, but there are definitely a few parts that will stick out.

I listened to this for the first time yesterday, it was good, but I don't really see what all the fuss is about... perhaps it'll grow on me after some more listens.
1.3.8 is their best release because it has Babykiller, 3 demo songs and the entire Molesting the Decapitated all on one CD. Stop listening to whatever band that is and listen to 1.3.8

Holy shit dude, these guys are better than Dream Theater fo sho.

Dude... this is just good mosh pit stuff. Not great, not terrible, but just very generic & weak songwriting. Power chord chugging, fast open d palm muting, no leads, double bassing, blast beating, practically inaudible guitar following bass. The bear vocals are cool. I'll have to listen to this some more over the next month to see if it grows on me any more I reckon.
Devourment don't have weak songwriting at all, I highly disagree. They write very well-put-together songs with a few distinct catchy parts per song. You just definitely have to get accustomed to the sound of slam.
Here's a question for y'all - what's your favourite intro soundbite for a brutal death song?
Mine has to be the my little pony jingle used at the beginning of Equine Phallic Impalement by Crepitation. Always good for a chuckle.
Mine has to be the my little pony jingle used at the beginning of Equine Phallic Impalement by Crepitation. Always good for a chuckle.

Yeah, that one's excellent. "Anyone who isn't dead or from another plane of existence would do rather well to cover their ears right about.... now" at the start of Origin's "Inhuman" is pretty cool too, the same goes for the intro to Despondency's "Fucked".
Dude... this is just good mosh pit stuff. Not great, not terrible, but just very generic & weak songwriting. Power chord chugging, fast open d palm muting, no leads, double bassing, blast beating, practically inaudible guitar following bass. The bear vocals are cool. I'll have to listen to this some more over the next month to see if it grows on me any more I reckon.
1.) Devourment cannot be generic. They invented slam death and set the pattern for all the bands that have come after them. If there is one thing they are not it is generic.

2.) They have great song writing. This is like me saying Iron Maiden have bad song writing just because they don't write songs that fit my favorite style. From a brutal death perspective, Devourment have great song writing. They are all catchy, memorable and even the long songs like Postmortal Coprophagia keep your interest. There is a reason so many bands copy them.

I love slam death.
M.S.I (Mutilated Spastic Iguanas) is a favourite.
Never heard of them

I listened to this for the first time yesterday, it was good, but I don't really see what all the fuss is about... perhaps it'll grow on me after some more listens.
Don't really know what to tell you. It just has so much brutality, technicality and interesting riffs. It is very inaccessible so give it a few more tries. What helped me was listening to each song individually on occasion. As I've commented to V5 before, each song is like a mini album there is so much going on. I can distinctly remember listening to Different Dimensional Perveration and then just going "wow" after it was over.
Nick, M.S.I. is cool. I was telling you the other night that Jarrod of Corpse Carving and Cranial Devourment is in the band too. They are kind of silly but still talented.

Down From The Wound's new album is fucking amazing.