Brutal/Slam Death Metal

@Life Sucks: I thought that after the first spin. The second time it sucked me in and now I feel the polar opposite of what you do. Each time I like it more.
Slam has more emphasis on groove/rhythm and slam riffs (duhrrrr) than plain-old brutal death. It is widely considered to be a prevalent "style" (sub-subgenre if you will) of brutal death metal, with a few other styles such as the Deeds Of Flesh kind of "melodic-y chaotic fast tremolo riff" stuff that doesn't really have a name and is mainly considered "standard" brutal death. There are also plenty of bands who don't play PURE slam nor do they totally stay away from the groovy breakdown aspect, such as Septycal Gorge, Goretrade, Woundeep...etc...I could go on forever.
Human Rejection sound somewhat prosaic to me. Not bad by any means, but it doesn't grab me for some reason. Pretty standard slam death.

yea. I as really turned off by this album. I throw it on today and I still hated it. The vocals are just bad, bad, bad.

Slam has more emphasis on groove/rhythm and slam riffs (duhrrrr) than plain-old brutal death. It is widely considered to be a prevalent "style" (sub-subgenre if you will) of brutal death metal, with a few other styles such as the Deeds Of Flesh kind of "melodic-y chaotic fast tremolo riff" stuff that doesn't really have a name and is mainly considered "standard" brutal death. There are also plenty of bands who don't play PURE slam nor do they totally stay away from the groovy breakdown aspect, such as Septycal Gorge, Goretrade, Woundeep...etc...I could go on forever.

Deeds of Flesh fucking rule though.
For my second odyssey into Cookiecutter's bordello of brutality, I gave WORMED's album Planisphaerium a focused listen, enhanced by the effects of the iTunes visualizer.


This stuff is miles ahead of Devourment. They excel in every aspect. The production is modern and heavy as fuck, absolutely crushing and at the same time clean and clinical as the lyrical concept that adds a higher appeal to the band, who rise well above the death/murder/gore cliches. The riffs and drumming grab your attention by the balls and never let go. Whereas 1.3.8 left me waiting for the album to end, Planispharium left me hungry for more. This band's formula is like Devourment meets Neuraxis, and it works to perfection.

The only drawback is that the bar may be set way to high for the remaining albums I have to listen to from Nick's care package.
Sounds good Zeph. Funny, because I got 1.3.8. around the same time you did I think & I didn't hate it, but I didn't think highly of it either.

So Devourment would be Brutal Death Metal right? I've heard plenty of bands that sounded like them. If they would be Slam (they do have groovy riffs) I think it might take a few years of practice just to tell the difference betwee Slam & Brutal :lol: :lol: :lol:
Does anyone else like Butcher the Weak better than Molesting the Decapitated? The production is so muddy that you can't make out the riffs on Molesting the Decapitated. On Butcher the Weak, the production is perfect. Great CD.
I see. Slam is a bit more riff driven while Br00tal is a bit more chaotic sounding.

You're not pickin' up what I'm layin' down, junior. :p

Slam is rhythm based. Brutal DM like DOF is riff-based (not always chaotic and tech-y like DOF though).

Life Sucks, re: Devourment, no not really :). The original BTW didn't have that great production anyway, it was re-done like last year with better production that you're probably referring to. Yes, it does sound better, but none of the tracks have that many memorable parts (well, Babykiller is THE exception, but that's an early demo song). Nothing on BTW matches "COH-PROE-FAY-JUH...I KILL MOTHERFUCKERS EVERYDAAAAAAAAY!" that's for sure... ;)

Zeph, glad you liked Wormed. Impressive also that it clicked with you on the first try, especially the mixing job (drums very high etc.). Andy is an amazing drummer and Phlegeton is RIDICULOUS at vocals. I'm not at all short-selling the insane, almost epic, twisted riffs the band comes up with too.

A band most of you should check out is Saprogenic. They probably best illustrate (on the first album at least, 2nd is more slammy in the riff department, though the first is still undeniably "slam death" in songwriting...) tremolo riffs in brutal death metal. Really fucking awesome, catchy stuff.

And finally, I am listening to Human Excoriation now...fucking AWESOME. Lots of great tempo changes, strong production, brutal guttural "ree" style vocals (not quite "toilet" gutturals though!), heavy breakdowns/guitar in general. Excellent slam!

EDIT: 10,666 posts, motherfuckers!!!
I need to give Wormed a good listen before I buy anything. I listened to some tracks off of myspace but I find myself not being pulled into the song but being pulled out.
Listening to Insidious Decrepancy - Decadent Orgy of Atrocious Suffering. I've had this album for at least a year and never listened to it.

Pretty good stuff.
Yeah, you've been missing out, awesome disc. Be sure to check out his newest, too (The Inerrancy Of Profanation). If you enjoy ID, you definitely wanna check out Grotesque Formation (same guy on vocals but a spazzy slam sound) and Goretrade (sophisticated yet still raw and dirty Colombian brutal death).
V, What is the proper way to listen to Slam? I shouldn't be listening to it while I surf the internets should I?

We'll see if I like the Devourment album more when I get my car's radio sorted out better. Maybe I'll get a sub eventually too, who knows? I already have a better deck & door/rear speakers out of my old car, I just need to get an amp for it to to power those speakers then I'll be in better shape there.
Hey, no one told you to mock me! I'm just saying you're probably approaching it the wrong is an acquired taste anyway. Just get your feet wet and gradually you'll learn to appreciate it. Or hate it. But if you hate it, go away. :p
Naw, absolutely no mock intended. I know that with a lot of genres there are special times or places to listen to them in a sense. I like Devourment & all, I just don't think I'm into it as much as some of you all are. I will use this thread as a refernce point for other stuff to check out, but I spread pretty thinly with genres, so it will take me awhile to get everything that's essential. I need to get the album Zeph was talking about.