Brutal/Slam Death Metal

Glad to see so much interest in this stuff recently. Maybe V5 and I won't be the only ones who post here anymore :p

On Wormed: Glad you liked it Zeph, that is one of my favorite albums. It is really unique and imo the best non Devourment slam album. The reason Molesting the Decapitated beats it is that, while not having such extreme heaviness and amazing vocals and drums, they still have amazing musicianship, production (listen harder guys) and the riffs are the perfect mix of heaviness and catchiness. The fucking massive breakdown in Choking On Bile, the vocals in Postmortal Coprophagia and Self Disembowlement. I am an atheist, but those are the things that give me my moments of doubt. Still I can't really fault anyone for liking Wormed more because they pose some SERIOUS competition. Just remember that Wormed would not exist had Devourment never existed.

On Human Rejection: It's nothing amazing, but it's very good and very easy to listen to. Only 25 minutes and nothing too hard to digest. I find myself playing them a lot versus objectively better bands like Cenotaph for this reason.

On Butcher the Weak: Get the rerecord and never look back. Original is marred by terrible production whereas the new production is heavy as hell. The vocals and riffs aren't quite as good as MtD, but still one of my favorites. Can't wait for the new one in 08. They have a good label backing them (Brutal Bands) and they have stated that they are going for a sound that fuses both albums. :D

I also look forward to Zeph's feelings on Dripping and Soils of Fate
Abominable Putridity - In The End Of Human Existence (out in Dec.)
Defloration - The Bone Collection (sorta)
Despondency - Supreme Misanthropic Brutality
Element - Aeons Past
Human Excoriation - Virulent Infestation
Human Rejection - Torture Of Decimation
Infernal Revulstion - Devastate Under Hallucination
Inveracity - Extermination Of Millions
Katalepsy - Musick Brings Injuries
Suffocate Bastard - Acts If Contemporary Violence

Those are my favourite brutal/slam albums from the list you posted (granted, I haven't heard the Abominable Putridity album yet, but I know it will rule). I also really dig Cenotaph - Reincarnation In Gorexstasy, Insision's "Ikon" (although they're probably more standard death metal than brutal death) and Kronos - The Hellenic Terror (ditto).

Does anyone else like Butcher the Weak better than Molesting the Decapitated? The production is so muddy that you can't make out the riffs on Molesting the Decapitated. On Butcher the Weak, the production is perfect. Great CD.

I don't really like any of them, but BTW is better. You can actually make out some of the riffs on that record. I have respect for Devourment because of what they've done for the genre, but I find most of their songs dull, especially their older songs.
Those are my favourite brutal/slam albums from the list you posted (granted, I haven't heard the Abominable Putridity album yet, but I know it will rule). I also really dig Cenotaph - Reincarnation In Gorexstasy, Insision's "Ikon" (although they're probably more standard death metal than brutal death) and Kronos - The Hellenic Terror (ditto).

Woops, thanks for mentioning Cenotaph...somehow forgot them despite just reviewing the album for the blog a few days ago. Yeah, the new AP is going to be great. CC and I have been discussing that one quite a bit. Very much looking forward to it! And yes I don't consider Insisions or Kronos "brutal" but they are both good.

I don't really like any of them, but BTW is better. You can actually make out some of the riffs on that record. I have respect for Devourment because of what they've done for the genre, but I find most of their songs dull, especially their older songs.

This is the same thought pattern I approached Brodequin (early stuff) with I guess, then I recently re-listened to Festival Of Death and paid good attention to the particular guitar phrasing and enjoyed it a LOT more. Molesting The Decapitated is definitely like black metal where, a very easy way to appreciate it is to really LISTEN for the particulars. I used to have trouble making it through MTD too, but I found that I gained new respect for it after really giving it a few thorough listens...

Sooooo, Artery Eruption, pretty neat eh?

No, not really. Actually, they're probably one of the worst slam bands I've ever heard. First of all, they sound like a complete pisstake with no dedication...they were probably only respected in the first place because they're from Cali and so are half the brutal labels and people in the US, so they had plenty of friends to release their crappy, underproduced, boring albums. Blah. Maybe now that they have Jon Engman on drums, they can improve.

Speaking of Jon, I'm putting out an Ichorous tape on the same label as he is, and they're both coming out the same time...probably in 2008. How's that for a brutal connection?
This is the same thought pattern I approached Brodequin (early stuff) with I guess, then I recently re-listened to Festival Of Death and paid good attention to the particular guitar phrasing and enjoyed it a LOT more. Molesting The Decapitated is definitely like black metal where, a very easy way to appreciate it is to really LISTEN for the particulars. I used to have trouble making it through MTD too, but I found that I gained new respect for it after really giving it a few thorough listens...

I see where you're coming from. Thing is, I've listened to MTD about a dozen times, but I still think it pretty much sucks. If I had to pinpoint what exactly turns me off from it, it'd probably be the absolutely horrible snare drum sound, the "spastic" and forced sounding blast parts (the drums being the main culprit), semi-sloppy musicianship and the muddy as fuck guitar production. When I listen to Despondency, Human Rejection, etc. I can make out actual notes, riffs and melodies (melodies might be pushing it, but you get the picture), whereas your typical Devo guitar riff is more like "CHUG CHUG CHUG CHUG" without even the slightest trace of an actual note being played (to my ears). Also, I don't really find the songs especially groovy, whereas bands labelled as "Devourment clones", such as Abominable Putridity, are groove incarnate.

Brodequin was pretty much a instant winner in my book, by the way. I was hooked on "Festival Of Death" after one listen. Good band.
On Butcher the Weak: Get the rerecord and never look back. Original is marred by terrible production whereas the new production is heavy as hell. The vocals and riffs aren't quite as good as MtD, but still one of my favorites. Can't wait for the new one in 08. They have a good label backing them (Brutal Bands) and they have stated that they are going for a sound that fuses both albums. :D

I'd love to write the press release for that: "On the latest offering, Devourment have combined elements from both their previous efforts to create a potent blend of the slam riffs from Molesting the Decapitated and, um...the slam riffs from Butcher the Weak."
Fair enough. Different ears lend different ideas to hearing things, or least you appreciate their influence. And don't claim that melody is pushing it, of the main things Slam-Minded does is tries to analyze how slam's melodic components work with the rhythm. Melody doesn't always have to be Gothenburg-y.

@Jreg: Heheh! Yeah...but I think it would be more along the lines of combining the obscure grooving sound of MTD with the more extreme and well-paced sound of BTW.
The funny part is that that it wouldn't be entirely inaccurate for them to describe the difference that way, at least from my perspective.

Well, in reality it will MOST likely be described in the typical vapid slam way like "THIS IS THE 3RD FULL LENGTH BRUTAL OFFERING BY THE SICK ASS GUTTURAL SEWAGE SPEWERS DEVOURMENT!! THEIR MOST PUNISHING WORK TO DATE!!!!!!!!"

It's a pity most slam has the most ridiculous press releases. Maybe that's what turns people off from it...I dunno...

Alter, there is no debate (aside from HM because he's a silly person :p) that Devourment did it first and best/purest.
This is brutal death metal. It's only fun if you're an audio masochist (which most of us are).

And now I'm just gonna repost this bulletin I just posted on Myspace a few hours ago:

"Hey all, we're back with a few more posts. This time, you can check out the blog at our official site ( or via the syndicated Myspace know where it is!

New stuff:
•Down From The Wound CD review
•Interview with Rick of the band Defleshuary
•Cenotaph new album review
•Putridity CD review
•Coverage of Swedish true crime slammers MP5K
•Suffocation/Immolation/Skinless show review
•Shawn Whitaker appreciation post (he's in Insidious Decrepancy et al)
•Abnormality demo review
•Human Mastication update (new songs) and a Devourment interview at
•Digested Flesh appreciation post

These are only the last ten posts...we have plenty of stuff predating those...check out our blog!

Upcoming Stuff:
•Ancient Necropsy dual interview/review of new album
•Critical look at the upcoming Russian slam scene featuring Abominable Putridity, Katalepsy, and more, with assistance by Ivan of Cephalic Impurity!
•Human Excoriation CD review
•Greek slam scene discussion
•Giant year end post feat. superlatives (Best Album picks, Best Comp Track, Best Split, Best EP, Best First Release, Worst Album, Biggest Disappointment, more...!)

Yeah, you've been missing out, awesome disc. Be sure to check out his newest, too (The Inerrancy Of Profanation). If you enjoy ID, you definitely wanna check out Grotesque Formation (same guy on vocals but a spazzy slam sound) and Goretrade (sophisticated yet still raw and dirty Colombian brutal death).

I have the means to acquire some Goretrade (The Vintage Vinyl in st. louis where I am employed to do absolutely nothing has plenty of slam thanks to me)