Brutal/Slam Death Metal

War and Peace
All I'm saying is not to expect unreasonable things from what you correctly say is a new genre for you. BDM bands do no write to be memorable. It's harder when you don't use melody as your main tool as Black metal does. I remember getting into Black metal it was weird having everything so high and thin, but I knew that's what they were going for and not to criticize it based on my standards for Death metal.
I made two banners earlier to promote Slam-Minded...check 'em out dudes:

Nice. You should upload (at least) the first image to a static location, rather than Imageshack. That way after websites/blogs/myspaces display the image, you can overwrite it with a new one (displaying updated blog headlines), and all pages displaying the image will automatically be updated.
First of all, nice work responding the first post which is over a year old. Secondly I have learned a lot since then and Waking the Cadaver, while pretty catchy, really aren't that great. Dying Fetus certainly has plenty of slam parts and is an inspiration to many bands (listen to Vomit Remnants). Infernal Revulsion are fabulous.

Shredhead: I can't understand any of the words besides the "KAW PRO FAY JUH" in Postmortal Coprophagia and frankly it doesn't matter to me one bit. The vocals are just another instrument in death metal as far as I am concerned, and I want them sounding as deep and sick as possible.

About memorability: Good slams are pretty memorable and the ones on Molesting the Decapitated certainly are memorable. However you aren't going to get catchy melodies and choruses, so don't expect to have songs really stick out in your head all that often. Just listen to the music as it goes by and remember how it felt.

An example of this is Disgorge - Cranial Impalement. I'd be hard pressed to repeat a song or even a riff on there after I hear it. However I just remember absolutely loving it every time, and every time I listen to I remember why. Sure I remember the general sound of it, but not individual things. I guess it's just a different listening method than other genres.

Didn't realize it was a year old.:)
Just received my copy of The Ordher - Weaponize today. So far I really like it. It is on the weaker end of the brutality scale, but still a great full length premier out of Brazil. Not ground breaking, just very skillfully done. Definitely worth checking out if you haven't heard them:
You should order Down From The Wound's album next. :p

The Ordher doesn't sound too bad, but they're not really very brutal either. Definitely later Morbid Angel-like, though. Pretty cool solo in the first song that plays too. :cool:

As for the blog, Nick and I have some nice articles coming up. Later tonight I'm probably going to write up a review of Human Excoriation's debut album (hint: it was very impressive!) as well as talk about Poppy Seed Grinder eventually. After these, we're getting help (probably) from Ivan of Cephalic Impurity to do a Russian slam scene report, focusing on 3-5 great bands from Russia (and surrounding areas) who need to be heard, with commentary by our great guest. Nick pointed me to an awesome article earlier, and I decided to include the headline in the first sentence of the post:

"Nick and I recently read a headline that said 'Putin slams foreign nations for backing opposition' and we knew we had to do an article about Russian brutality; even their leader endorses it!"
Russian slam sounds cool...

I would like to hear some of it.

My blog which has been around forever....or about a maybe going to have an Impaled interview. I have never linked my blog here have I? Sorry for the little comment there V5, I dont have to try ad ruin the glory of SLAM-MINDED.
You should order Down From The Wound's album next. :p

The Ordher doesn't sound too bad, but they're not really very brutal either. Definitely later Morbid Angel-like, though. Pretty cool solo in the first song that plays too. :cool:

As for the blog, Nick and I have some nice articles coming up. Later tonight I'm probably going to write up a review of Human Excoriation's debut album (hint: it was very impressive!) as well as talk about Poppy Seed Grinder eventually. After these, we're getting help (probably) from Ivan of Cephalic Impurity to do a Russian slam scene report, focusing on 3-5 great bands from Russia (and surrounding areas) who need to be heard, with commentary by our great guest. Nick pointed me to an awesome article earlier, and I decided to include the headline in the first sentence of the post:

"Nick and I recently read a headline that said 'Putin slams foreign nations for backing opposition' and we knew we had to do an article about Russian brutality; even their leader endorses it!"

Order Down From The Wound? I've got it! And yes, it is great.

Human Excoriation- I was actually just listening to that album in the car before. Yet another excellent '07 debut.

And I better hear about Katalepsy and Abominable Putridity in that Russian report. :kickass:
Good, glad you got it...I just ordered it the other day too, 9 bucks postage paid, pretty good. AP and Katalepsy will both be featured, along with Ivan's band and a few others Nick and I haven't decided upon yet.
New stuff posted by yours truly...Human Excoriation album review and Nicaraguan slam scene report!

Slam minded is a cool blog, but I think you should host downloads. then again, that might backfire cause the bands might think you're letting people listen to the music without paying money.
Ditto what Nick said. I am a huge pirate but S-M will never be a download blog. It is expressly interested in both supporting the scene and music in it and providing information. We don't care if you buy or download the albums we review or speak about, but we won't ever provide links to illegal downloads.

But yeah if a band said "hey put a link to our album up" we'd definitely do it. But we won't ASK for them to let us link. Just like we don't ask bands to send us copies of CDs to review.