Brutal/Slam Death Metal

I just got my DFTW disc today. Spun it fucking good. Top ten material (overall metal), and probably the best brutal album this year.
I swear you meant Dallas-Ft. Worth.

I'm going to listen to Soils of Fate and Dripping tonight. What should I expect from these guys? Will I like them based on what I've liked so far?
I'm going to listen to Soils of Fate and Dripping tonight. What should I expect from these guys? Will I like them based on what I've liked so far?
Soils of Fate is super groovy and very heavy. Not too much like what you've listened, but I think they are a very hard band to dislike.

Dripping is some very heavy slam with a lot of weird samples. I don't really know what you'll think, but I love them.
SOF is wigger-ish but as long as you remember that it's kind of supposed to be vapid-sounding and rhythm based (though they do have some awesome riffs and solos) you should enjoy it.

Dripping is just fucking awesome.
I'm now concluding my listening to Soils of Fate's Sandstorm and it's pretty good. The expectations you gave me for it have been fulfilled. Lots of engaging riffs and groovy drumming, and some curve balls from the guitars to spice things up. The vocalist sounds more like a gorilla than anything else, but that didn't take much away from the album. My only criticisms are that it could benefit from a heavier production. Otherwise, it's thoroughly enjoyable, but nowhere near Wormed in terms of what I like so far in the genre.

Listening to Dripping now, assessment to follow.
An accurate assessment. Good show. Definitely gorilla-like in the vocal department, but more guttural and "gross" sounding.
Just finished listening to Dripping...

What the fuck? This is randomness beyond comprehension in terms of samples. We've got interludes of techno, church music, racist radio shows, and what-not interspersed among some equally dynamic brutal death metal. The crazy riffs, beats and grooves are good at grabbing your attention. Heck, even the slams are pretty catchy. The production is strange, it sounds clean/modern yet gritty at the same time, like they played a poorly-produced guitar recording into the mics of a professional studio. Vocals are pretty sick.

Well that does it for Nick's little care package. Overall I am satisfied and pleasantly surprised at how dynamic and engaging this genre can be. If this be the cream of the crop, however, you've given me a standard that may be too high should I venture into the rest of the genre.
Well that does it for Nick's little care package. Overall I am satisfied and pleasantly surprised at how dynamic and engaging this genre can be. If this be the cream of the crop, however, you've given me a standard that may be too high should I venture into the rest of the genre.
Thanks for listening! I think you gave pretty accurate assessments. I am still working through your stuff. As for what to expect from the rest of the genre, expect a lot of derivative work, especially from Devourment. Usually bands have particular focuses or things they do well that keep the listener engaged. These are my favorites, but there really is not a terrible drop off in quality as you hit average bands. My advice to you as you continue through the genre is to find what you like in the vocal department and what you like in the riff department, because these are the most varied areas of the genre. There are enough bands that I'm sure you can establish a few standbys you can go to if you ever get a brutal craving. As always the denizens of this thread can point you in the right direction. Stay brutal :headbang:
just wondering, how many of have Waking The Cadaver's latest release. They say they are going to release it on the 17th of November and now is the 27th. Not many people talking about it here.
I don't, and I don't really plan on getting it. They were one of the bands that attracted me to the genre but I soon realized they sucked. Apparently their album is a huge improvement over their demo, but at this point I don't really care.
Because they are usually regarded as a joke. I actually admittedly enjoyed some of the Myspace WTC stuff off the new album, but I won't be buying it.
I don't, and I don't really plan on getting it. They were one of the bands that attracted me to the genre but I soon realized they sucked. Apparently their album is a huge improvement over their demo, but at this point I don't really care.

The stuff from the album (the two songs from it I've heard) is definitely better than their demo, in the sense that it doesn't induce large amount of laughter.

It's tolerable, but it's still unbelievably generic, and nothing I would ever recommend anyone to ever listen to.