Brutal/Slam Death Metal

1.) Devourment cannot be generic. They invented slam death and set the pattern for all the bands that have come after them. If there is one thing they are not it is generic.

Well, they didn't come out with an album before 1999. Are you telling me that there was no bands that sounded remotely similar before them?? I hear quite a Cannibal Corpse influence here. I've heard bands that sound like them before, it's no big deal. I'm listening to them right now & I'm not forcing it or anything. Like I said it's not great; it's not terrible. Just power chord & gargling city, what they're good at.
There was never a band that utilized those things in that way before and in doing so founded a subgenre. Of course they are influenced by past death metal bands (Suffocation of course is prominent), but they wrote in a new style that was to become slam death. If you don't really like Molesting the Decapitated then you probably just don't like slam death
But Devourment invented and propagated pure slam. No one is saying Cannibal Corpse didn't have a few slam riffs here and there; in fact I'm sure they do/did. It's typical for someone new into slam to think Devourment are merely OK...I liked a lot of bands (and still like some) much more than them. But you can't disregard their extreme influence.
Fair enough... I'm just thinking '99 is far too late to cite them as being so influential, but I guess my natural internal time line is fucked up pretty bad.
Yes, it definitely is. If a new genre appeared tomorrow, the band to start it would be considered the most influential band to future progenitors of the genre.
Good recs on the Ancient Necropsy and Vomit Remanants. I checked both of them out. Good stuff. I'm gonna have to have a brutal death haul coming up.

I do like slam. But I think that I prefer straight up brutal death.
Indeed, good picks Nick...not too much I can add there.

Slam/brutal death/deathgrind from 2007...make your picks now:

Abominable Putridity - In The End Of Human Existence (out in Dec.)
Ancient Necropsy - Apocalyptic Empire
Cenotaph - Reincarnation In Gorextasy
Cephalotripsy - Uterovaginal Insertion Of Extirpated Anomalies
Condemned - Desecrate The Vile
Corpulate - Boundless Expansion
Cumbeast - Gourmet Of Ill Shit
Decimation - Entering The Celestial Ruins
Defeated Sanity - Psalms Of The Moribund
Defleshuary - Zombie Plague, Rampant Horror
Defloration - The Bone Collection (sorta)
Despise - Fragments Of Reprisal
Despondency - Supreme Misanthropic Brutality
Disavowed - Stagnated Existence
Down From The Wound - Agony Through Rituals Of Self Purification
Element - Aeons Past
Goreality - Perverse Depraved Indifference
Goryptic - From Blast To Collapse
Guttural Engorgement - The Slow Decay Of Infested Flesh
Human Excoriation - Virulent Infestation
Human Rejection - Torture Of Decimation
Infernal Revulstion - Devastate Under Hallucination
Inveracity - Extermination Of Millions
Katalepsy - Musick Brings Injuries
Malignancy - Inhuman Grotesqueries
Malodorous - Amaranthine Redolence EP
MP5K - Deranged Stockholm Syndrome EP
Odious Mortem - Cryptic Implosion
Orchidectomy - A Prelate's Attrition (whenever it drops)
Prostitute Disfigurement - Descendants Of Depravity
Pukelization - Storm Of Resurrection
Putridity - Mental Prolapse Induces Necrophilism
Putrid Mastication - Butchered Baby Backyard Digger EP
Regicide - Extreme Intent Fatal Effect
Sadistic Mutilation - Psychopath's Aberrations
Severe Torture - Sworn Vengeance
Shuriken Cadaveric Entwinement - As The Shroud Of Suffering Suffocates The Land
Suffocate Bastard - Acts If Contemporary Violence
Syphilic - Erotishock Therapy

If there are others, I haven't ever heard of them. Also did not include splits or demos. Make yer choices.

Nick and I, at the end of the year, will probably make a superlatives post on the blog regarding some of these...for instance, MP5K would probably win Best Initial Release with their amazing EP. Sourpuz would probably win Best Song On A Compilation...etc.
Indeed, good picks Nick...not too much I can add there.

Slam/brutal death/deathgrind from 2007...make your picks now:

Cephalotripsy - Uterovaginal Insertion Of Extirpated Anomalies
Condemned - Desecrate The Vile
Corpulate - Boundless Expansion
Defeated Sanity - Psalms Of The Moribund
Defloration - The Bone Collection (sorta)
Despise - Fragments Of Reprisal
Disavowed - Stagnated Existence
Down From The Wound - Agony Through Rituals Of Self Purification
Goreality - Perverse Depraved Indifference
Human Rejection - Torture Of Decimation
Infernal Revulstion - Devastate Under Hallucination
Inveracity - Extermination Of Millions
Katalepsy - Musick Brings Injuries
Malignancy - Inhuman Grotesqueries
Malodorous - Amaranthine Redolence EP
Odious Mortem - Cryptic Implosion
Pukelization - Storm Of Resurrection
Putridity - Mental Prolapse Induces Necrophilism
Regicide - Extreme Intent Fatal Effect
Sadistic Mutilation - Psychopath's Aberrations
Suffocate Bastard - Acts If Contemporary Violence

(being edited now so stfu)

My picks are...

Inveracity - Extermination Of Millions
Malignancy - Inhuman Grotesqueries
Odious Mortem - Cryptic Implosion

I am giving Human Rejection - Torture Of Decimation another try...
Cephalotripsy - Uterovaginal Insertion Of Extirpated Anomalies
Defeated Sanity - Psalms Of The Moribund
Despise - Fragments Of Reprisal
Down From The Wound - Agony Through Rituals Of Self Purification
Human Rejection - Torture Of Decimation
Infernal Revulstion - Devastate Under Hallucination
Inveracity - Extermination Of Millions
Katalepsy - Musick Brings Injuries
Malignancy - Inhuman Grotesqueries
Odious Mortem - Cryptic Implosion
Pukelization - Storm Of Resurrection
Putridity - Mental Prolapse Induces Necrophilism
Sadistic Mutilation - Psychopath's Aberrations
These are the ones I think are worth hearing from your list

EDIT: Also MP5K, Despondency, Abominable Putridity, Orchidectomy, Defleshuary and Cumbeast
Probably my tops, though maybe in a different order. And my overall top ten of 2007 will not have much slam at all...Nick is much purer into slam than I am :p

EDIT: Oh except Defeated Sanity. Screw you. I'd replace 'em with Defloration if they really counted (they're more like...nice kinda melodic-ish brutal DM with Necrophagist moments). And Ancient Necropsy.
Human Rejection - Torture Of Decimation gets my vote. I reserve the right to change this later though, as I still have a lot of listening to do. There are other bands missing from that list, but we're not trying to recreate the archives here. :p Despise worth listening to? I thought they were pretty bad. :erk: Oh well.

Edit: I'll round out my top 5. Extermination Of Millions, Virulent Infestation, Echoes Of The Rotting, and The Principles Of Sickness. I guess I have a thing for bands with "human" in the name.