Brutal/Slam Death Metal

I like the name Goretrade for some inexplicable reason; it doesn't really make much sense at all...however, their logo is FUCKING BADASS. And the new CD (Perception Of Hate) should be fucking awesome if the Myspace songs are any indication!

The Greys said:
You know what cd is really brutal that you would really like ?

Malignancy-intrauterine cannibalism.

Yeah this is a good disc; however, the production is pretty lame and flat. Cross-Species Transmutation is fucking awesome however (even though the title is redundant). Just don't listen to it if you dislike pinch harmonics; they're the ONLY melody on the entire thing (it's an EP anyway).
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I did not really care for any of the followings not because of the pinch harmonics(intrauterine had them). Regardless pinch harmonics are a lot better when randon and placed well. It's really easy to do pinch harmonics so there is no reason to hit them a lot or at all most of time because it's not going to make you seem skilled since it's one of the more easy techniques. Regardless pinch harmonics being easy it's still hard to make a riff that you should really throw one in with. When you place them well than you look cool. On occasion I come up with a riff that a pinch harmonic sounds so right with. This makes them better because it's one of those moments that was not simply planned(You can do it the sameway and memorize it after so it does not matter).

Pinch harmonics on the low E sound cool(Morbid Angel does them sometimes) but the ones on the lead strings are much better. Brutality for example on the first two always did the high ones and they sounded so sick even harmonized them between two guitars hitting different harmonics at the sametine. Hit the harmonic quick and not let it ring. Majority of the time i'd rather here a harmonic during a solo than an actual riff. Some bands just have poor harmonics. Zakk Wylde for example has shitty poor placed harmonics imo.
cookiecutter said:
Skinless (at least their newest album, which is all I own) is good groovy death metal, but I don't really see it as slam death.

I haven't heard the recent one. Listen to the songs on their earlier albums like "Tampon Lollipops" for example. Here are the lyrics to it:

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Not all of it can be taken that seriously but it's all fun and grooving.

I need some more demo-only slamdeath. So far I have a top 3 (worldwide) made up, but I'd like to hear more:

1. Woundeep
2. Orchidectomy
3. Cephalotripsy
V.V.V.V.V. said:
Skinless used to be kind of slammy, but now they're not.

The first one is really basic slam and palm mutting. Skinless has matured alittle but they're still not really good musicians. I don't think that's there intention though.