Brutal/Slam Death Metal

Infester are not brutal death metal still more curshing and heavy than 'brutal death metal'.
there is no such thing as "slam death metal"

there is brutal death metal, technical brutal death metal, death metal/grindcore (really brutal shit),

not a huge fan of those bands... I like DM with intelligent vocals, good production, lots of melody, heavy as fuck vocals that are still coherent, and lots of technical ability
Slam death is just a more specific type of brutal death. Of course, this thread could be used for general brutal discussion, but's really more about the breakdown/groove aspect here as opposed to beeing overly extreme and ridiculous as most brutal death metal is.

Edit: changed the title of this thread so maybe more people will be interested, as "brutal" is more commonly used.
Zephyrus said:
Would you classify Suffocation as brutal death? Or is it just plain death, NYC-style?

Plain death, NYC-style IS brutal death metal, generally. Immolation are borderline, however.

If you enjoy Suffocation, please check out these fine purveyors of similar music:

Yeah they're not...they're more focused on the tremolo side of things than on the slams. Then again, like I said earlier, Saprogenic('s first album) uses tremolo in the context of slam death, so it's kind of an anomaly, and very unique.
xxbigdavexx117 said:
I like DM with intelligent vocals, good production, lots of melody, heavy as fuck vocals that are still coherent, and lots of technical ability

I felt that way when I first started to get into DM, but I've grown to realize that unmelodious, brutal, and often mid-paced DM bands are a far more rewarding listen. Death played in that fashion just invokes a far more intense emotional response.
Same. I first like some mild DM and mostly melodic DM, and then progressed deeper and deeper, and now I listen to a fair share of goregrind, even.

Dave, you have been listening to metal for a year. A lot of things in metal are aquired tastes, and when I first started getting into metal I thought a lot of the same things, like about BM and brutal death. It will come with time.
To be honest some melodeth is the best thing after oldschool death metal for me personally. In Flames whoracle seems pretty heavy to me. Sure the guitars are not being palm mutted but the rythmn sustaine has good sound so it's really upfront and heavy because the guitar tone is actually good. Samething with amorphis tales from the thousand lakes and opeth my arms, your hearse. I like heavyness and atmosphere. I just like chords that sound endless sustain into an abyss. Brutal death metal does emphasize on sustaining the chords so the chords sound really heavy.
I listen to some brutal stuff right now - necrophagist, decapitated, suffocation

the REALLLLY brutal stuff is just plain boring to me... nothing about the music is remarkable - the lyrics are stupid childish BS - the vocals are completely incoherent - not to mention all the bands sound exactly the same

edit: I do love dying fetus' 1st CD however
Mike27 said:
Same. I first like some mild DM and mostly melodic DM, and then progressed deeper and deeper, and now I listen to a fair share of goregrind, even.

Dave, you have been listening to metal for a year. A lot of things in metal are aquired tastes, and when I first started getting into metal I thought a lot of the same things, like about BM and brutal death. It will come with time.
I've only been listening to metal a year and brutal death came very quickly to me. Black metal though is just beginning to come now.
The Greys said:
Not really. A good section of people that think bad about metal probably have actually heard a really crappy metal band. The only way to give metal merit to change opinions is to have more quality bands that have musicians that could explain that what they do is good.

Since I just spend time playing guitar and listening to music want to play metal that has merit to be able to say I was good at one thing. If I decide to mute one power chord for 30 minutes that ruins the entire point of me being a musician or the entire point of playing an instrument. I'm not simply playing music to prove people wrong but don't see the point in playing really dumb music. I could just start a punk band and play dumb music. Sometimes dumb music is not an opinion rather fact. Bands like devourment make dumb music. Until people become more serious people will think metal is a joke. Be serious atleast about one thing. Playing an instrument is something out of all things you should actually be serious about because it's your interest. If you don't put your instrument in front of everything fuck off or don't play.

Greys, you truly are a fucking idiot. This is by far the most ridiculous post i've read in a while.

Do you realise there are more fucking instruments in a band than a guitar? Most brutal/slam death drummers are more than competent and easily out play the majority of your old school death metal bands. Also the bassists who generally play very groove/bend/slide orientated bass lines, rather than the old school "play exactly what the guitar is playing except power chords".

Not to mention far greater vocal diversity, no longer is is one type of growling used for an entire album.

How does playing the way Devourment play devoid them being musicians? I listen to it as music, as do thousands of others. The band is satisfied with what they play and they are very established. Sure they play a very distinct type of death metal with obvious flaws, but they do it fucking well.

Saying any music is 'dumb' is the real epitome of idiocy, I don't even need to explain why.

(BTW I actually love old school death metal, just pointing out obvious flaws and components brutal/slam death has improved upon)
xxbigdavexx117 said:
there is no such thing as "slam death metal"

there is brutal death metal, technical brutal death metal, death metal/grindcore (really brutal shit),

not a huge fan of those bands... I like DM with intelligent vocals, good production, lots of melody, heavy as fuck vocals that are still coherent, and lots of technical ability

Ditto. I look for the same things. Bands like Deicide, etc. are not my kind of Death Metal. I mainly listen to Melodic Death Metal and Blackened Death Metal.

However, I tend to veer towards Symphonic and Melodic Black Metal. In general, Black Metal > Death Metal. Better vocalists, more intensity, etc.