Brutal/Slam Death Metal

If you listen to Infester - To the Depths in Degradation, it has some slam riffs on it, and they pull it off perfectly. They are not "slam death" by any stretch of the imagination, though. Suffocation's slam riffs are also good.
Thoth: not only were those posts really ignorant of most of the thread, but also pretty indicative of stupidity and also you posted four in a row which is grounds for getting them all deleted anyway.
Life Sucks said:
If you listen to Infester - To the Depths in Degradation, it has some slam riffs on it, and they pull it off perfectly. They are not "slam death" by any stretch of the imagination, though. Suffocation's slam riffs are also good.
Infester and Rottrevore are easily the best brutal death metal bands.

cookiecutter said:
but as you said the greys, that isn't the point.

I guess not.

What really is the point in palm mutting a power chord in different positionings for 35 minutes other than because you can't play an instrument and others beat you to the punch. Is there actually any merit. I'm not saying people can't do this but should this be regardess serious like other things in music.

Either it's just characterics within something or for people who can't play that want to express themselves. What do you think

Do you see bands that do this bad or see a difference between bands in the genre. It seems people really invovled with this like every band that forms. It's cool this new thing is so open minded for anyone but that also takes away from things imo.
I am listening to Guttural Secrete's new album right now and it rocks :kickass:

Edit: In repsonse to the Greys. You are treating it like other people treat metal in general. "Anyone can scream and play a guitar loudly, but that doesn't make it good music" etc.
Not really. A good section of people that think bad about metal probably have actually heard a really crappy metal band. The only way to give metal merit to change opinions is to have more quality bands that have musicians that could explain that what they do is good.

Since I just spend time playing guitar and listening to music want to play metal that has merit to be able to say I was good at one thing. If I decide to mute one power chord for 30 minutes that ruins the entire point of me being a musician or the entire point of playing an instrument. I'm not simply playing music to prove people wrong but don't see the point in playing really dumb music. I could just start a punk band and play dumb music. Sometimes dumb music is not an opinion rather fact. Bands like devourment make dumb music. Until people become more serious people will think metal is a joke. Be serious atleast about one thing. Playing an instrument is something out of all things you should actually be serious about because it's your interest. If you don't put your instrument in front of everything fuck off or don't play.
It's not brutal, vocals don't matter and the riffing style isn't very "brutal" and there are no (or hardly no) exagerrated breakdowns; it sounds like old-school death.

The new Guttural Secrete is good, but hard to take seriously at times, which is a big turnoff for me...I mean, "Fecal Stuffed Fuck Stumps"? That's fucking gay and not even funny or gross, just...stupid.

Oh and I really hate stupid samples like that.
I would give brutal death some credit if not every band that formed in the style was praised. Someone has to be shitty at palm mutting :lol:
The Greys said:
I'm not simply playing music to prove people wrong but don't see the point in playing really dumb music.
Music can't have intelligence. If Devourment is trying to play downtuned palm-muted powerchords in catchy rythms, and they do it well, then they have succeed and their music will have merit to those who like it.
The Greys said:
I would give brutal death some credit if not every band that formed in the style was praised. Someone has to be shitty at palm mutting :lol:


Not that all of the bands are exceptionally talented, but it is still great music when you are in the mood. I prefer conventional and melodic death metal.
V.V.V.V.V. said:
It's not brutal, vocals don't matter and the riffing style isn't very "brutal" and there are no (or hardly no) exagerrated breakdowns; it sounds like old-school death.
What's your definition of 'brutal' death metal. I always think about it as, a more heavy death metal with bludgeoning riffs and deep vocals. Which can consists of the newer stuff and older stuff.
swizzlenuts said:
What's your definition of 'brutal' death metal. I always think about it as, a more heavy death metal with bludgeoning riffs and deep vocals. Which can consists of the newer stuff and older stuff.

Heavy, lots of groove and/or blasting, tempo changes from fast to extremely slow (the breakdown), deep vocals with some other guttural styles and sounds, bass that follows the guitars, usually not focused on tremolo riffs much (some bands do though).
maybe they arent brutal death but infester are great...probably one of the top 20 if not 10 usdm bands imo
OK from now on I'm being really harsh on deleting stuff in this topic because it warrants discussion and also is not getting any really.

There has to be more slam death/brutal death fans here...where's Henrik?