Brutal/Slam Death Metal

Pull The Plug said:
Greys, you truly are a fucking idiot. This is by far the most ridiculous post i've read in a while.

Do you realise there are more fucking instruments in a band than a guitar? Most brutal/slam death drummers are more than competent and easily out play the majority of your old school death metal bands. Also the bassists who generally play very groove/bend/slide orientated bass lines, rather than the old school "play exactly what the guitar is playing except power chords".

Not to mention far greater vocal diversity, no longer is is one type of growling used for an entire album.

How does playing the way Devourment play devoid them being musicians? I listen to it as music, as do thousands of others. The band is satisfied with what they play and they are very established. Sure they play a very distinct type of death metal with obvious flaws, but they do it fucking well.

Saying any music is 'dumb' is the real epitome of idiocy, I don't even need to explain why.

(BTW I actually love old school death metal, just pointing out obvious flaws and components brutal/slam death has improved upon)

But, it sounds like you think the band showcasing more technical skill the better they are. To portray something, I dont think it matters how intricate it is. Sometimes its best to arrive at it using the simple, direct route.
xxbigdavexx117 said:
there is no such thing as "slam death metal"

there is brutal death metal, technical brutal death metal, death metal/grindcore (really brutal shit),

not a huge fan of those bands... I like DM with intelligent vocals, good production, lots of melody, heavy as fuck vocals that are still coherent, and lots of technical ability

I never liked melodic death.
Can we all shut the fuck up about genres and talk about the style at hand?

Thank you. No more off-topic discussion will be tolerated in this thread.
V.V.V.V.V. said:
Can we all shut the fuck up about genres and talk about the style at hand?

Thank you. No more off-topic discussion will be tolerated in this thread. there any such think as black metal influenced brutal death?
ohiogrinder said: there any such think as black metal influenced brutal death?
I think that the styles are too far apart musically for this to be a common mixture and I haven't heard anything I would call brutal death with black influences, but Destroying Divinity is a band with a dark atmosphere similar to that of many a black metal band.