Brutal/Slam Death Metal

so it sounds like Dying Fetus and Guttural Secrete? alright. I guess pretty much all bands on unmatched brutality qualify for this genre.

Absolutely. Everything on UbR (run by Brodequin's Mike Bailey), Unique Leader (run by I believe Jacoby of Deeds Of Flesh), etc. is usually slam death.
Just wanted to ressurect this thread with some news and new bands I have liked.

If you like this genre at all get Aversion to Life's album Ritualized Murder. Great TXDM with some really good riffs.

Some news I know V5 will like: I have heard that Cephalotripsy will be releasing their new album on Amputated Vein Records on 1/1/07

Also anyone interested in metal from an atypical country check out Pus Vomit and Human Mastication from the Philippines

I need some more demo-only slamdeath. So far I have a top 3 (worldwide) made up, but I'd like to hear more:

1. Woundeep
2. Orchidectomy
3. Cephalotripsy

Have you heard these yet?
I have Woundeep (I'm pretty sure...been a while anyway - I'll check.)
I have the Cephalotripsy demo if you want it (PM for email).
You can find Orchidectomy on youtube!

I'm not fond of the Cephalotripsy demo at all; however, I did see them live....which utterly destroyed the demo for me (production quality sucks).
Have you heard these yet?
I have Woundeep (I'm pretty sure...been a while anyway - I'll check.)
I have the Cephalotripsy demo if you want it (PM for email).
You can find Orchidectomy on youtube!

I'm not fond of the Cephalotripsy demo at all; however, I did see them live....which utterly destroyed the demo for me (production quality sucks).

Yeah I have everything by all of em. Woundeep is utterly fantastic; however, I'd currently put Chinese BDM/slam band Hyonblud over Cephalotripsy and move Orchidectomy up to 3rd place again. Cephalotripsy's production does hurt the recording, but their approach and Devourment-worship style give them huge points. In fact, I'm pretty excited about their upcoming.

Oh, I see you thought I meant that I ahdn't heard those bands, but in reality that was the top 3 I was speaking of. Sorry for the confusion; I meant that I want to hear more slam general.

Amputated Genitals is fucking good shit. Anyone like Images Of Despair? How about Inherit Disease? Gored?
Neither Bloodbath nor Cryptopsy are brutal (well, None So Vile is marginally brutal sometimes), so don't bother asking here. We're primarily interested in slam death.

Also death metal with striking use of melody is "melodic death metal" (not melo-death/Gothenburg), fyi.
Neither Bloodbath nor Cryptopsy are brutal (well, None So Vile is marginally brutal sometimes), so don't bother asking here. We're primarily interested in slam death.

Also death metal with striking use of melody is "melodic death metal" (not melo-death/Gothenburg), fyi.

Nevermind then. I'm not much of a slam death fan. :erk:

Semantics. :Smug:
Bloodbath sounds more brutal and heavy than any 'brutal death metal' band to these ears.
recommend me stuff like suffocation

great production, good vocals, br000000000000000000tal, (3 main characterists I'm looking for)

edit: deeds of flesh is exactly what I'm looking for - will check them out tommorow
There is none and their guitars sound like weak cheap GARBAGE.
Get the fuck out of my thread. I don't shit up the Old School Death thread.

Apparently "brutal" means "useless" around here. I don't understand the reasoning behind not considering Cryptopsy and Bloodbath brutal.
Cryptopsy and Bloodbath are not brutal death just like they are not black metal. Brutal death has a sound and neither Bloodbath or Cryptopsy has it.

@V5 I have Amputated Genitals full length and it's great! The vocalist reminds me of Cenotaph somewhat.