Brutal/Slam Death Metal

Get the fuck out of my thread. I don't shit up the Old School Death thread.


Cryptopsy and Bloodbath are not brutal death just like they are not black metal. Brutal death has a sound and neither Bloodbath or Cryptopsy has it.

@V5 I have Amputated Genitals full length and it's great! The vocalist reminds me of Cenotaph somewhat.

Where can I buy their album?
That's because Saprogenic is amazing.
'dee ne ne neee de na nee da ne nee da na nee dun dun dun' the wet sound of flesh on concrete
That's because Saprogenic is amazing.
'dee ne ne neee de na nee da ne nee da na nee dun dun dun' the wet sound of flesh on concrete

I think you missed two "dee na nee"s by the way...I counted. :p

Greys, I'm going deleting anything you say in this thread from now on FYI. No one shits on your thread, so keep your shit to yourself. -1, also.
I fucking love Slam Death. It's so damn primal. Pretty much every band in the Genre I have liked. The blast beats, the grav blasts, the breakdowns, the riffs, and pinch harmonics, the really low growls and gutturals, it's all just so fucking . . . primal and brutal sounding.

Fucking amazing genre to me. It's pretty much the only kind of music that can really get any physical emotion out of me, and make me want to bang my head like I want it to pop off.

By the way V5, those bands you posted on page 1 are fucking intense. Thanks. :)
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Hey man, no problem. This board has a very small population of slam death fans; myself, CC, Seraphim Belial, etc. are purveyors but not very many others (sorry if I left people out)...thus, it's always good to find new people!

I am sharing two Hyonblud demos on SLSK if anyone wants name is Reqviem on there (but I am on sparingly) can find em elsewhere though, if you enjoy the thrill of the hunt ;)
I fucking love Slam Death. It's so damn primal. Pretty much every band in the Genre I have liked. The blast beats, the grav blasts, the breakdowns, the riffs, and pinch harmonics, the really low growls and gutturals, it's all just so fucking . . . primal and brutal sounding.

Fucking amazing genre to me. It's pretty much the only kind of music that can really get any physical emotion out of me, and make me want to bang my head like I want it to pop off.

By the way V5, those bands you posted on page 1 are fucking intense. Thanks. :)
:kickass: :kickass:

Anyone a fan of Digested Flesh or Inhuman Dissiliency? I've ordered their split and I'm waiting for it to arrive.
Has anyone heard any of the new Disavowed yet (finally coming next year)? I heard a new tune the other day and it sounds like they really stepped up the sound and drumming, even though Perceptice Deception was badass.
Yeah they have two new songs around; good shit...not as thick and the vocals aren't as good, but a little tighter and of course kind of tech-y...
The Disavowed I heard was really "samey" even for brutal death, it kind of bored me to sleep. They seem to be the only BDM band that has done that to me, of the ones I've enjoyed anyways.
Perceptive Deception is full-on assault death. Not even super slammy; just a shitload of in-your-face riffs/rhythms and cool vocals with excellent "philosophical" lyrics...
Yeah, don't get me wrong it was good but it was just so fucking repetitive. It was the only band I've ever listened to that my mom questioned why I was listening to them and found myself unable to tell her why.
Bleeding Display and Abysmal Torment are the only two bdm bands that I've been listening to a lot lately. And primarily at the gym, since it works well for heavy lifting. Oh, and as embarassed as I am to admit it, the new Devourment; I know their music is almost purely rhythmic, giving it a hip hop-ish vibe, but it is good music for the gym.
Yeah, don't get me wrong it was good but it was just so fucking repetitive. It was the only band I've ever listened to that my mom questioned why I was listening to them and found myself unable to tell her why.

I disagree, I don't find it THAT repetitive...

Bleeding Display and Abysmal Torment are the only two bdm bands that I've been listening to a lot lately. And primarily at the gym, since it works well for heavy lifting. Oh, and as embarassed as I am to admit it, the new Devourment; I know their music is almost purely rhythmic, giving it a hip hop-ish vibe, but it is good music for the gym.

Both good bands...check out Unmerciful, Septycal Gorge, and Gored for stuff a bit similar to Bleeding Display. Abysmal Torment is one of those really fast almost-deathgrind bands, so I'd say check out more Beheaded if you haven't already, along with Cenotaph (Tur).
Some of my favourite brutal DM releases from 2006:

Abysmal Torment - Epoch Of Methodic Carnage
Bleeding Display - Ways To End
Deamon - Descend Dethrone
Guttural Secrete - Reek Of Pubescent Despoilment
Heinous Killings - Hung With Barbwire
Inherit Disease - Procreating An Apocalypse
Lust Of Decay - Purity Through Dismemberment
Resection - Zenith
Resurrected - Endless Sea Of Loss
Saprogenic - Ichneumonid
Septycal Gorge - Growing Seeds Of Decay
Unmerciful - Unmercifully Beaten
Viral Load - Backwoods Bludgeoning