Brutal/Slam Death Metal

Dying Fetus remains my favorite brutal death metal band since Nile doesn't count but I'm getting more into the subgenre, I like the Devourment and Deeds of Flesh I heard, and Mortician too since they're brutal death I think(could be wrong though).
Dying Fetus remains my favorite brutal death metal band since Nile doesn't count but I'm getting more into the subgenre, I like the Devourment and Deeds of Flesh I heard, and Mortician too since they're brutal death I think(could be wrong though).

Something about Dying Fetus strikes me as incredibly fake. And I wouldn't bother with Mortician; you've heard one song, you've heard 'em all.
Prostitute Disfigurement, Lividity, Guttural Secrete and Internal Suffering are most brutal. Internal Suffering is heavy thanks to its incredible speed and vicious lyrics. "Awakening Of The Rebel" is a fucking solid album.

EDIT: Thank you guys for those great list of brutal death metal bands, it is definitly my favourite genre so I will check them out as soon as possible! Keep listing them bands, this thread is one of the most precious in UM board. :kickass:

How is Deaden like?
Dying Fetus rock

I have never bothered checking out Mortician because of all the negativity that surrounds them and I don't feel like I am missing anything.

Skinless is borderline slam but are relentlessly average in all respects.

(M)aggot - I'll give you a few bands that I thin you will like based on the bands you just posted.

Prostitute Disfigurement -> Despondency
Lividity -> Lust of Decay
Guttural Secrete -> Digested Flesh
Internal Suffering -> Defeated Sanity
Skinless is not slam. Though they hit on brutal death metal a little.

A perfect example of bad slam death metal is these bloody hands. How did scene kids get into death metal?
Dying Fetus rock

I have never bothered checking out Mortician because of all the negativity that surrounds them and I don't feel like I am missing anything.

Skinless is borderline slam but are relentlessly average in all respects.

(M)aggot - I'll give you a few bands that I thin you will like based on the bands you just posted.

Prostitute Disfigurement -> Despondency
Lividity -> Lust of Decay
Guttural Secrete -> Digested Flesh
Internal Suffering -> Defeated Sanity

yeah, i like so much... another slam bands that i like are Soilent Green and The Red Chord
Something about Dying Fetus strikes me as incredibly fake. And I wouldn't bother with Mortician; you've heard one song, you've heard 'em all.
Zombie Apocalypse is the best sonbg I've heard from Mortician, heard a few, still think they're good despite being very basic and having a horror movie gimmick.
Yea, I sent a myspace message to a girl I know who sweared that Napalm death was not grindcore and that wecamewithbrokenteeth was.

God I fucking hate that.

My friend said she listened to Grind, I asked what she thought grind was, she answered--I forget the name, preshcool massacre tea party or whatever the fuck its called, suicide silence, JFAC, and some other shit.
Dying Fetus rock

I have never bothered checking out Mortician because of all the negativity that surrounds them and I don't feel like I am missing anything.

Skinless is borderline slam but are relentlessly average in all respects.

(M)aggot - I'll give you a few bands that I thin you will like based on the bands you just posted.

Prostitute Disfigurement -> Despondency
Lividity -> Lust of Decay
Guttural Secrete -> Digested Flesh
Internal Suffering -> Defeated Sanity

Thanks cookiecutter! I know LOD. Purity Through Dismemberment is a descent album. I assume you know a shitload of great brutal death metal bands so I'm sure I won't be dissapointed after I check your recommendations. :)