Brutal/Slam Death Metal

^Agreed. wecamewithbrokenteeth is gay, The number 12 looks like you is sort of cool because it is the title of a twilight zone episode but still gay for a band name. Most of these bands are content with a name that follows the formula <verb>ing the <noun>. For example "Defacing the Godess"
^Agreed. wecamewithbrokenteeth is gay, The number 12 looks like you is sort of cool because it is the title of a twilight zone episode but still gay for a band name. Most of these bands are content with a name that follows the formula <verb>ing the <noun>. For example "Defacing the Godess"

Number 12 combines death metal and grind with twinkly indie/emo, two things that should NEVER be combined, ever.
I overall dont really like pig vocals.

John Tardy>brutal death metal
Chuck>brutal death metal
Trey>brutal death metal

need I go on?

Infernal Revulsion fucking rules. Also I ordered the new Cenotaph album yesterday, as well as Vomit The Soul - Portraits Of Inhuman Abominations. PSYCHED.

Also, do not talk shit about BDM or slam in this thread. If I see shit being talked, I will delete posts. Only post if you have something constructive to say. This basically means ohiogrinder is to stay 500 feet away from this thread at all times!!
ive only heard of slam death metal once like a few weeks ago,
ill try some of the mentioned bands out. does it have a lot of those gay ass pig squeels in it cus that stuff is jus stupid.
Wow. I should really go back over this thread later and note down some of these bands. I've only heard of a small number of them.

This type of music is so hard to get into. Not because I dislike it (I love what I've heard) but because you can't find it anywhere! It's practically impossible to buy it in music stores, few bands are on eBay or Amazon and they get no media coverage at all.

Sucks really.

Two of my favourite bands may fit into this description - Amputated and Crepitation. Both found accidentally when I was looking for other bands. Infact, I found Cannibal Corpse, Cryptopsy and Dying Fetus all by accident as well, and they are all fairly popular bands.

I love the subgenre though. I love the vocals, the brutal riffage, the crushing bass and the insane drumming. And the fact they groove and have a laugh at the same time is awesome - I can't stand bands who take themselves too seriously.
I've been enjoying the new Inveracity for quite some time now. If you can consider that brutal dm.

AMAZING album. And yes, definitely quite brutal...anything on Unique Leader is brutal basically. The new Inveracity sounds like a cross between Kronos and Deeds of Flesh...super kickass shit!!
I got a few Brutal Death CDs yesterday and I've listened to Intestinal Strangulation and Despise (Cze). Both are quite excellent. Despise sounds like countrymen Godless Truth and Smashed Face with their tech parts and fun mosh grooves, but also have some sweet melodic parts that almost entirely avoid Gothenburg cliches. Some great solos too. Intestinal Strangulation is a CADM band but they add some deep almost Goregrind like vocals as well as some good slams to the otherwise technical assault usual coming from CA. I am very pleased with both.