Brutal/Slam Death Metal

thanks for your worthy contribution, Einstein.

Clearly you didn't get the context of my reply. It was posted immediately after V5 said that any non-constructive criticism of the sub-genre would not be tolerated. Thus by subverting his authority almost immediately after he posted, my post should have been regarded with at least a slight bit of humour.
I don't really see the appeal of a genre of music with no melody and incomprehensible lyrics : / I suppose it's better than gore or pornogrind but I can't see why anybody would listen to it except to upset their neighbors.
Despise sounds like countrymen Godless Truth and Smashed Face with their tech parts and fun mosh grooves, but also have some sweet melodic parts that almost entirely avoid Gothenburg cliches. Some great solos too.

I was impressed by this. Some rather "epic" sections, too, probably what you are referencing by "sweet melodic parts." Seems like they use synths sometimes maybe...that I recall anyway. Regardless, good album, I'll listen again later.

The new Malignancy is just what the doctor prescribed...intense, viscerally technical slamming deathgrind. As with earlier Malignancy (for anyone following by name, the Cross-Species Transmutation EP or the 2005 demo which features the song "Indigenous Pathogen" which is on the new disc in a revamped form), expect pinch harmonics to form the melodic backbone/structure for each song, but also expect some lead guitar this time, along with a varied, feral vocal assault. Great disc!

Except for Pyrexia who go overboard with the hardcore elements. :puke:

Pyrexia weren't always like that, but yeah the new one is way bogged down by that crap.

Clearly you didn't get the context of my reply. It was posted immediately after V5 said that any non-constructive criticism of the sub-genre would not be tolerated. Thus by subverting his authority almost immediately after he posted, my post should have been regarded with at least a slight bit of humour.

ohiogrinder is not very smart.
More complicated is not necessarily better. Skinless comes up in this thread a rather lot for not being slam death, so I'm surprised no one has mentioned Mucopus. What do you guys think of them?
Competent? Yes. Excellent? No. I liked it, but there was nothing about it to warrant such adulation. There are catchier bands, groovier bands, brutaller bands and heavier bands.

You like me they are the defition of boring. I don't see why it seems weird to you that anyone can think skinless is great. I don't but it doesn't seem weird to me especially since I found out that people can actually like bands like devourment and brodequin.
Devourment are the innovators of slam death and have some amazing slams, grooves and vocals. Brodequin are extremely brutal and have some great riffs. Skinless have all these things, but not to such a degree as Devourment or Brodequin. Those elements might not excite you, but I don't think you can argue that Skinless are more brutal than Brodequin, or have better slams and grooves than Devourment.
Not that I like any of these bands I still find skinless to be the more listenable of the 3. I don't really care how brutal Brodequin are and how groovy devourment is. To me they are as boring as metal music can get.
That's true, but Brodequin and Devourment haven't penned a catchy riff like Spoils Of The Sycophant in a while. :p

Back on track...

Downloaded the new Putridity (Ita) today...very good, brutal DM with lots and lots of harmonics...kinda catchy sometimes. Recommended!