Brutal/Slam Death Metal

Yeah I listened to a few tracks. Nothing that stood out really.

Anyway, if you haven't heard Ingurgitate - Blackest Origins, I'm gonna have to stop right here and question why you're even listening to metal in the first place. This RULES.
Yeah I listened to a few tracks. Nothing that stood out really.

Anyway, if you haven't heard Ingurgitate - Blackest Origins, I'm gonna have to stop right here and question why you're even listening to metal in the first place. This RULES.

Q: Does it have any songs that linger in the memory for longer than they take to play on the CD/MP3 ?:erk:
I read the thread title as Body Slam Death Metal.

Not that it needed to be said, but, there it is.
Skinless are better than other brutal death metal bands and at the sametime are also average in terms of death metal. Foreshadowing Our Demise is better than cali and texas brutal death metal.
Skinless are to brutal death what In Flames are to death metal. A sort of good band that is not as good and not quite the same as the genre they are perceived to be.

I disagree. In Flames was once quite good and have since turned completely awful and changed genres. Skinless hasn't changed much and isn't nearly as important to their genre as In Flames once was to theirs. Perhaps I'm a bit biased, as old In Flames is what started my listening to metal in the first place, but I still think it's fairly valid.
The comparison I meant to make was the position of In Flames as a gateway or "noobie" band to DM just as Skinless is such for BDM. Additionally they are similar because plenty of people who don't like BDM like Skinless just as plenty of people who don't like DM like In Flames. The fall of In Flames is irrelevant to my analogy.
The comparison I meant to make was the position of In Flames as a gateway or "noobie" band to DM just as Skinless is such for BDM. Additionally they are similar because plenty of people who don't like BDM like Skinless just as plenty of people who don't like DM like In Flames. The fall of In Flames is irrelevant to my analogy.

Ah, I was unaware of Skinless being a gateway band. I do things a bit backwards now.
Yeah I listened to a few tracks. Nothing that stood out really.

Anyway, if you haven't heard Ingurgitate - Blackest Origins, I'm gonna have to stop right here and question why you're even listening to metal in the first place. This RULES.

I have to agree; the album itself is utterly amazing (and blows the shit out of their follow-up "Bleeding His Sacred Kingship").