Brutal/Slam Death Metal

Scatorgy & Meathook were okay, but not very memorable, except the riffs that Scatorgy borrows from Krisiun's Bloodcraft and some Hate Eternal songs.

That Total Despair sounds good--- i will check out.

I'm really enjoying this Rattenfanger album:

Not brutal death metal, but a favorite death metal release this year with exactly the kind of stately, massive, and powerful vocals I most like in death metal. I would like to hear a slam/bdm band with this kind of grand vocal approach if anybody knows one...?

2013 favorites thus far: Craniotomy, Dark Throne, Rattenfanger, Ghost B.C., Laceration
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That fist sentence in your post bro, wtf? Didn't you post that like a month ago?

I'm going to listen to the Darkthrone album more, deserves another chance.

I'm surprised you consider Crainotomy in your top releases so far, I thought it was good but the vocals aren't on par with the rest...

I just listened to Ghost's album (and them in general actually) and can say this band fucking rocks! Its like a bunch of ghouls were sent by the devil to create the best hard rock/heavy metal band possible.

I still haven't checked out everything posted the past page as I've been busy, but out of the ones I checked out, Total Despair and Extermination Dismembermen were obviously my favorites.

Maybe ill make like a top 10-20 list later today.
That fist sentence in your post bro, wtf? Didn't you post that like a month ago?

I'm surprised you consider Crainotomy in your top releases so far

A month ago I posted what I thought those things might be when I ordered them, but I bought the albums to give them chance and now posted my conclusions. I was disappointed, although I like the general sound.

Craniotomy vocals are (to me) much better than most slam things discussed here---they aren't playful and they aren't overbearing--thought it's the riffs and great arrangements that really sell it for me. When showing anybody why I like slam, tracks 2,4,6 on that album are really great examples.
New Darkthrone ruled, but I found that Ghost was a huge disappointment. They dropped the hooks the made their first LP so good.

Laceration and Craniotomy were both middle of the road BDM for me. Craniotomy had some good moments that were marred by mediocre vocals and an absolutely terribly drum sound.

Laceration had some amazing moments, but also some total flubs when it came to riffs. When he decided to get extra technical, it just got overbearing.

Meathook was decent, Scatorgy is one of my favorites, but I've always loved the whole Brodequin/Liturgy/Disgorge/Orchidectomy style that they employ. Also sounds kinda like the Colombian scene.
I like both Ghost albums, the latest is less heavy with better vocals, could of done with less keyboards too.

I've always thought a band needed to blend metal with mainstream music, especially as well as this band. They seem to have everything going for them. The band seems like a business gimmick.
new ghost has much better vocals than on the first and is just more memorable overall--- neither have great riffs---really not looking here for that---but this one has more goblin bass guitar and blue oyster cult vocal harmonies (and goblin and boc are all time favorites with me). my favorite thing like this since the first devil's blood & jex thoth lps.
Few covers:

Cerebral Engorgement - Gastrointestinal Bleeding

Criminal Element - Modus Operandi

Geggar Otak - Avaricious Creature

Vomit God - Exuding Anal Pustule of Society

Without Form - Galactic Cannibalism
Cerebral Enorgement sounds sick already.

And here's one I never saw discussed. Slam-Minded reviewed their first full length, and this is a big step up in quality. Good Filipino shit.
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One of my favorites: new Kraanium!!!

YES! There's no slam album I am more looking forward to than this one. Post Mortal Coital is one of my top favorites in the genre and in my player all the time. Great news.

Also, the Disastrous album is pretty good. Sort of like a simpler Amputated Genitals. Could use some tempo variety (it's tons of speed), but decent and probably one I'll keep.