Brutal/Slam Death Metal

They're finally hopping the ultra low tuning trend it seems, people on say it sounds like A standard on a 7 string, which has their regular tuning (D standard) on the first 6 strings. They still have the technicality but the riffs are heavier and well better :lol:

This might be the best Tech death album ever, we will see. Still waiting for new Soreption which can only be epic.

Honestly a big problem a lot of techy bands have is that the guitar just keeps noodling around on the higher strings. Weedlies ain't heavy.
This is pretty insane. One of the tracks has vocals by John Gallagher. Going to listen to it fully after I finish The Gathering.

So far I really like it, it kinda sounds like if you put modern Exodus together with Dying Fetus type slam/breakdowns. The high screams are a little more aggressive/brutal than in Exodus and the death growls are kind of deathcore sounding (not in a bad way either) The production is pretty much perfect, and the solo's are definitely very thrashy and never seem out of place.
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This is pretty insane. One of the tracks has vocals by John Gallagher. Going to listen to it fully after I finish The Gathering.

So far I really like it, it kinda sounds like if you put modern Exodus together with Dying Fetus type slam/breakdowns. The high screams are a little more aggressive/brutal than in Exodus and the death growls are kind of deathcore sounding (not in a bad way either) The production is pretty much perfect, and the solo's are definitely very thrashy and never seem out of place.

I thought the high vocals were a bit Chelsea Grin-ish... Not the biggest fan...
New Acranius is mostly enjoyable--- especially the demo songs that they expanded / slammed out even further (eg. Shanty Town Hookers).

Other than Kraanium and maybe Sabbath (???), that upcoming Pathology with the returned guitarist shines most brightly on metal horizon, with my 2013 faves currently: Darkthrone, Ghost B.C., Craniotomy, Rattenfanger, Suffocation, Laceration
Extermination Dismemberment - Serial Urbicide (2013)

Similar to Katalepsy's Autopsychosis in that it features super-low guitars and a massive sound, this one is stripped down and mostly about slams and more slams. I love it. :D

Yes very good album ^^^

Only part I hate about is the "bass drops" that are fucking absolutely unnecessary, and when I have my monitors on max when they happen it feels like my brain is going to explode from pressure.
Yes very good album ^^^

Only part I hate about is the "bass drops" that are fucking absolutely unnecessary, and when I have my monitors on max when they happen it feels like my brain is going to explode from pressure.

Agreed, man. Some of those drops are cool and all, but some of them do squeeze your skull. Especially in my car where I have a 12" sub sitting behind my ear. ;)
finally getting around to listening to some new stuff

Acranius - Sounds pretty damn good. may actually buy this one.

Human Mastication - a two minute long intro to a 29 minute album? well that's annoying. Album is kind of bland. Color me disappointed.

Extermination Dismemberment - Jesus fucking christ.
well, it opened my sinuses. :lol:

Yeah I like it, but the really long base drop on one of the songs left me wondering if something was wrong with my a) headphones b) brain. Maybe thats a good thing?