Brutal/Slam Death Metal

new track from Traumatomy's upcoming full-length.

Plus new fucking Saprogenic!!

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Begotten - Bloodstained Gods

Cannibalistic Infancy - Dominant Inhumanity

Cephalic Impurity - Eulogium for Incessancy

Colpolscopy - Ready for Gore

Devour the Unborn - Meconium Pestilent Abomination

Dynamite Abortion - Uterosacral Slamputation

Filial Cannibalism - Mass Slaughter Machine

Parasitic Ejaculation - Rationing the Sacred Human Remains

Slowly Rotten - Human Misery

Throne of Disgust - Grimace

Traumatomy - Transcendental Evisceration Of Necrogenetic Beasts

Vomit Breath - Meticulous Dismemberment
Excellent news about Saprogenic! Still not sure if that awesome Craniotomy will be topped in this genre, but Saprogenic or Kraanium or Pathology could do it. Cannibalistic Infancy could go either way & Traumatomy has cool vocals and a great vibe but not the most memorable riffs. I'll probably check it out anyways--- that's some real heavy slam happening there.

Thanks for the posts guys!

And for any readers into brutal horror or westerns or both, my second novel just came out the other week--

ahhh...i like the slow slam of epicardiectomy--i have their other album and split, and will get this too. one of the more creative slam drummers-- lots of clanging, rolls and clinking. thanks for posting morguelord!

also, the new abhorration album is pretty good--- the second half especially. more bdm then slam, but solid and more live sounding than many.
Holy shit that new Epicardiectomy is fucking MASSIVE!

Much better sounding and more coherent than their previous works. I'm really looking forward to this.

I thought I noticed a snare change early in the song. Good comments had me thinking about the drumming, c_zar. That said the guitars and guitar sound is fantastic. :)
A couple that must be explored if you haven't already:

Dragging Entrails - Landfill Of The Butchered (2013)

Slamming awesomeness. Low, ugly, sick guitar riffing. Marching, slamming slow and mid-tempo songs that really are very well done. Excellent production and great album start to finish. Absolute 'must have' if you like slam/BDM. Certainly going to be in my top-10 list to say the least.


Deeds Of Flesh - Portals To Canaan (2013)

Amazing, brilliant technical brutal death. Fairly clean production; precise guitar riffing; interesting samples and interludes (not too many or too much). Cascading, twisting, turning songs that are interesting, complex, and fantastic. It's like new Wormed or Guttural Secrete only massively better. So good.
