Brutal/Slam Death Metal

Can you guys recommend me some Old School Slam Death/Brutal Death Metal bands like Afterbirth, Scattered Remnants, etc. (besides the obvious Suffocation)? Thanks.
Sintury, Malthusia, Sect of Execration, Sick, Embrionic Death, basically any old TXDM.

PLUS: NEW TRAUMATOMY......AGAIN! Another track from the upcoming album.
Last edited by a moderator: true tech death ,people..the guiatrs r extremely progressive n heavy.. n it comes with a class of insane drumming...;gravity blasts+ swirls+ slides+semi blasts...the variety of techniques used is what i love..n its not just the the instruments that make it notable..but the vocals..brutal...the different techniques used..amazing...the song structure n the vocal structure are carefully layered & progressive in every level...and the fastest growls( not to mention his tone;brilliant) i have ever heard!well executed bass lines too!! their live shows are so unreal..they sound exactly the same as in the records!!..tightness mastered!!Also,their selftitled song "Archspire" has the one fastest vocals heard in a DM song...but a personal fav. would be "Deathless Ringing" shows how heavy the drums can go..!! this band has got it check em out..if u havent!! :)
I didn't enjoy the new Deeds of Flesh. It was like one monotonous blastbeat.
And I recently listened to Waking the Cadaver for the first time because everyone hates it so much, but I really enjoyed Perverse Recollections of a Necromangler.
I can't find any info on that band, who are they?

Other than that album cover posted, I have no clue. Couldn't find any info myself.

I didn't enjoy the new Deeds of Flesh. It was like one monotonous blastbeat.
And I recently listened to Waking the Cadaver for the first time because everyone hates it so much, but I really enjoyed Perverse Recollections of a Necromangler.

Lol @ waking the cadaver. Deeds of flesh is atleast quality at what they do, even if I don't like it. WtC is the sound of cancer eating away at your colon.
I was surprised as well, but also because everyone calls them deathcore, but at least that album, was mostly slam death metal.
Always thought they were cheap, mediocre deathcore trying use slams and br00tal vox, d00d. They suck. And I don't say that about much slam, at all.
I can't find any info on that band, who are they?

I found the cover here
. an indonesian or filopino band?
i just got splattered entrails album depths of obscurity. such interesting riffing with this onemanband always. in terms of riffs, which is huge for me, probably my favorite slam / bdm i've heard since i got the new craniotomy. lots of hooks sound backwards or off in a good way and tons are memorable. sometimes reminds of a death metal take on enslaved below the lights/isa era. recommended.

here's a slower one--

disembowel--- pyrexia sermon of mockery is my favorite of that vintage slam, alongside embrionic death.
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The new Traumatomy is good. Surgical Dissection is also good. I'm still hooked on the new Dragging Entrails, Deeds Of Flesh, and Extermination Dismemberment at the moment. :D
The new Extermination Dismemberment has been kicking my ass lately. It keeps getting better on each new listen. It just sounds so BIG and dips me into a place I like to be. Had to order it.

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Are there any other 'fast blast-beat' type bands like: Orchidectomy, Scatorgy, Enmity, or Brodequin?
Putridity are almost Enmity whorship with better production.
Last Laceration and Seminal Embalment are awesome fast brutal death with hints of Slam and Disentomb last promo fall into the same category (those 3 last bands that I named are labelmates of Scatorgy).
As for Brodequin style go check Liturgy - Dawn of Ash its almost the same style and with members from Brodequin involved.
Finally bought some new slam albums. Acranius - When Mutation Becomes Homicidal, Extermination Dismemberment - Serial Urbicide, Traumatomy - Transcendental Evisceration of Necrogenetic Beasts, and Cuff - Forced Human Sacrifice to the New Gods of Earth.
Good stuff? To be honest most of that was chosen from bad ass covers. :lol:
Got some money to blow and I've been wanting some more slam. Anyone want to rec me some stuff worth buying. I've bought what's above and Goemagot's new one. A few others I've sold (for what its worth I really don't like Russian slam for some reason)... I generally like slam focused on breakdowns and with vocals on the lower end of the spectrum. Constant higher squeals are pretty much a deal breaker for me.