Brutal/Slam Death Metal

Ehh I didn't mean it so much as they sound alike, other than that blasty, semi-techy, somewhat dark sound. More like that band sounds like all those bands slopped together in a soupy, gory mess, and it's great.
krow--- thanks for the recommendation on orgiastic---that shit sounds really good and exactly the kind of sludgy heaviness i want, but comatose is sold out, so i'll keep checking there and at sevared (and elsewhere) until it turns up. i like pinnacle by suffo, but find myself returning to blood oath more often. and thanks for the list---some others i'll check out.

also, i got the new saprogenic, which is solid, somewhere between pathology and the jamming nature of hate eternal (sounds like the tom toms are tuned in the same way). tasteful, though less catchy than their other two (quite different) albums.

i'm looking forward to the new pathology---i just ordered and didn't know it was out yet! that album and the upcoming kraanium are definitely the two in this style i'm most looking forward to. i've probably listened to legacy & awaken & post coital more than almost any other albums in this style and never tire of them.
krow---cannibalistic infancy sounds quite good---i ordered from bigcartel.

i also got the corpseflesh album, which rocks like krisiun with some truly inhuman blasting sections.
I like the music but their vocalist... I don't know... Reminds me of someone trying to do a parody of brutal death vox. Bibibibibibibibibibibi
Well Meshiha has decided to shut all the naysayers, myself included, the fuck up. They're re-recording molesting the decapitated and it sound fucking nasty!

Two song preview ep, autographed by the band out at the end of the month. Also a goofy shirt with a bunch of stupid writing on the back. :lol:

Oh did I mention corpse gristle records is back?
Oh and since I mostly talk to myself in this thread, corpse gristle is also releasing an old demo from Necrocide, an early brutal death metal band that contained a chunk of old school devourment members

that necrocide sounds pretty good. it reminds me a lot more of pyrexia's sermon of mockery than old devourment (and i really enjoy that pyrexia album). when's it coming out?
End of the month. I wish it was a demo compilation, because as it stands now, it's only three songs long. The band had two additional demos and it would have made a nice collection...

I see they've also reissued an old viral load demo... And it's one of the worst sounding death metal demos I've heard. Absolutely awful sound quality, and I love death metal demos from the 90s.
thanks for the link. i pre-ordered it and also ordered the new necrovile you had listed after checking it out.

on a less brutal front, the new humiliation and coffins albums are pretty consistent if unspectacular offerings from each band (riffs seem less inspired in each), though i prefer the previous release by each band.

splattered entrails, laceration, suffocation are more memorable albums, while the craniotomy, expurgate, and rattenfanger are still my dm favorites in 2013 thus far.
Here's a new song off of the upcoming Indecent Excision EP

I feel like I've heard everything coffins has to offer.

On the bdm front, Orgiastic Rebirth's full length is one of the most unique bdm albums this year, maybe period. It's basically death/doom with brutal death metal tendencies and a slam attitude. The vocals sound great, his regular growl is similar to the fathomless mastery era akerfeldt, the music almost has an old school incantation feeling... It's awesome. The album itself is criminally short, only a half hour, twenty four minutes if you don't count the two covers.... BUT you should count them because they do a pretty damn good job making zombie apocalypse and regurgitated guts their own. These guys know their old school death metal and turned it into something unique, IMO.

If nothing else, check out the monstrous 7+ minute "Substance Induced Psychosis Envoking Mass Perverse Cannibalistic Execution Rituals"
On the bdm front, Orgiastic Rebirth's full length is one of the most unique bdm albums this year

I like the songs I've sampled from orgiastic rebirth and ordered the album directly from ungodly.

the drum sounds aren't great on what i heard (esp. hi hat), but the vocals and vibe sound stellar so i am anticipating something dank and dark and good.

and if you haven't checked out the rattenfanger album, those vocals are also in this grand and more stately mode---somewhere between akerfeldt and hate forest.

morguelord--- the hungarian gutted sounds good. i kept waiting for the singer to sing on the refrain, 'black force domain,' but i can get into that kind of nonstop swirling energy. even if it's technically not "brutal dm" that shit is a brutal assault and has a ton of energy. i picked it up from sevared and will see how it sits---40+ minutes of that might cause some brain erosion. thanks for posting!
two posts by slambrutaldeath666 that stood out---

necrambulant, pretty wet and ugly stuff.

perverse dependence. very active fretwork. end hook of first tune at 1:07 is quite tasty.
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of the recent shipments of bdm i've gotten, nercrovile's new album stands at the top. it sometimes seems like the rockin' side project of a tech death band (lots of nimble fretwork on display), though the songs themselves don't feel like tech and it's more about riffs than technical bravura. i'd like more thick chords/slower moments/heaviness, but overall it is exciting and catchy bdm that's enjoyable the first time you hear it.

the first two songs, title cut, and last song are the standout tracks.
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Glad someone else digs it. Damn good album.

yeah. i just ordered the other necrovile album, so thanks for recommending it.

comparably good of this recent dozen i've received is the new perverse dependence album, which is a nonstop riff and syncopation showcase. the songs are short grindcore length and composed of difficult and at times exotic technical licks like the stuff dallas toler wade writes for nile and it also has some hardcore riffs, but somehow, it all works better than i'd expect something like this to ever work.

what are the opinions on the new pathology?

i think it's decent and slammier than the last by far, but the smothering vocals that cover each lick from the downbeat to the end grow tedious---matti way really needs to let the music breathe more than he does. and the "drumkit" sounds like an electronic kit, especially the "hi-hat," even though astor clearly can play. maybe this is just the mix, but it sounds electronic. i like it more than the last pathology--which was lacking heaviness---but not as much legacy or awaken. probably less than age of onset as well.