Brutal/Slam Death Metal

Really hope Devourment isn't breaking up as well... There have been rumors. I have tickets to the Dying Fetus tour in October and was looking forward to seeing them. Looks like that's not happening now...

Mike posted this on their Facebook page:

As alot of you may already know, it is with deep sorrow that I have to announce that we had to drop off the Exhumed, Dying Fetus tour going down this October. It was something we confirmed in July. The reason for the delay in the announcement is that we had to wait for approval from the booking agency. There are alot of moving parts to putting a tour on and there are business reasons to time these type of things accordingly. I'm personally not a fan of this aspect of being in a band, that's the way it is. We want to sincerely apologize, first and foremost, to any of our fans who are disappointed by this. Also to the bands we let down who are commencing the tour, as well as Relapse records. Dropping off was an absolute last resort. The reason for it, in a nutshell is that Ruben Rosas was not able to commit to the tour for personal reasons, and shortly after, Eric Park followed suit shortly after, also for personal reasons. Its sucks, we all feel awful about it. but life gets in the way sometimes and every individual has to prioritize. For these guys, the tour was not in theirs and their families best interest. I tried to salvage what I could to honor our commitment by trying to arrange, what I felt, was the only acceptable alternative, and that was asking Brain Wynn and Brad Fincher of Meshiha to take their places, as they could instantly jump on and play old songs, but they declined. So Chris and I decided the only option was to drop off. As for the state of the band, Ruben's and Eric's involvement is unknown at the current moment. Chris and I will regroup and work on a solution in the coming months. I encourage all of you to go and see this tour regardless, and show your support. Sincerely, Mike M.
That's the reason why Molesting the Decapitated pisses me off. I love the album, but the production makes it impossible for me to listen to as much as I'd like to.

MTD sounds better on the 1.3.8 compilation, which I have a lot of btw :p


1.3.8 - Corpse Gristle Records (2000)
1.3.8 - Displeased Records (2004)
1.3.8 - Unmatched Brutality Records (2004)
1.3.8 - Night of the Living Dead Records (2006) VINYL
1.3.8 - Corpse Gristle Records (2000) Included in first 333 copies of the 2.5 DVD (2010)
1.3.8 - Corpse Gristle Records (2000) The Last 138 (2013) [Signed by Kevin Clark & Brad Fincher]
Realized I didn't have 138, only mtd so I bought it after reading that. Gotta have that version of baby killer.

Also picked up Sintury from corpse gristle. Pretty sure he's the only distro in the us that currently has it.
New Infernal Revulsion:

Dynamite Abortion:

Really reminds me of Amputated^

New Embryonic Devourment:
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Seen that's suddenly on vinyl.

So for whatever reason every distro that's had parasitic ejaculation's full length sold out before I got a copy.... Kind of figured they were an international band but today I checked m-a and they're from the US! Cool. They're signed to a Japanese label. Weird. But anyway, picked up rationing the sacred human remains and it's a beast. Can't wait for it to get here.

Not sure when the album is coming out, but they got a new vocalist: Jaymes of Dragging Entrails, Expurgate, and Nephrectomy, so this should be a hell of a step up in quality. Also check this out, a new band featuring a member of Vomit the Soul:

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That Indecent Excision was a big step up from their last, if I remember correctly. That album art is magnificent as well.
Some great fucking news: New Traumatomy EP!!

Plus Kraanium is writing some new lyrics, look pretty brutal:
I know this thread doesn't discuss many of the older albums, but I've really been enjoying Gorgasm's Stabwound Intercourse lately. That album is classic and doesn't seem to get its due. Never got into their albums after that, but I might give them another chance.