Brutal/Slam Death Metal

New band from Texas, Sadistic Butchering:

Plus new Cephalic Impurity finally!! Hopefully this release will be as good as Unique Brute Revival.

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New Standard Elite has some good stuff coming out. First is a Dutch band I didn't know called Bleeding. They're putting out an album called Depulsing Epidermal Perforations.


Have a listen. It's a raw practice, but with the shit we listen to, it's about average for production. At least shows some promise.

Also, they are putting out Asphyxiate's new album Self Transform from Decayed Flesh. This Indonesian band had a decent release in it's last full-length, 2009's Anatomy of Perfect Bestiality.


An album teaser:

And a full song:

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Sadistic Butchering & Anatomy both sound promising---really like how the latter milks the ending of their tune---thanks for posting these. I also (finally) received that Orgiastic Rebirth that Krow recommended, which is very, very solid. It has a bit less slam and a lot more Incantation/Autopsy doom than I was expecting and is recommended. Another winning BDM for this year, alongside Craniotomy, Necrambulant, Expurgate, Gastrorexxis, Lack of Truth, Perverse Dependence, Necrovile, Suffocation albums.

On a less brutal front, the new Hail of Bullets is enjoyable, though not quite as good as the second album by them.
New HUMAN FUCKING REJECTION HNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNG. The first video sounded like straight up slam, and I got excited. But the second one sounds like a modern, start-stop kind of tech death. Their first was super groovy slam, second like that but with a bit more of a modern, almost....deathcore kind of touch. This seems like it has that, and has taken it in a more technical direction. Listen and decide for yourself. I like both styles, and they do them well, but I was hoping for a return to form.

Plus a new band called Diabolation featuring a member of HR. More old school death than anything, but I thought you guys might dig it:

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This teaser from Necromorphic Irruption sounds fucking nasty.

And this isn't too bad, as well.

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The video from Bleeding sounds pretty good. But who knows, maybe with that overpolished production that most albums have now, they might not be as great.
Hopefully they don't. A Kraanium or Cephalotripsy-like production would work well for them.

Wow the new Disfiguring the Goddess sounds like over-processed shit. Thoughts?
Always hated DtG, could never understand the love for them. Just another shitty-produced deathcore band trying to play slam.

Way to go man, thanks for a song I just posted not even a page ago.

Are those any good, Krow? I haven't listened to a whole lot of either of them yet.
The new FLESH THRONE EP is pretty damn sweet. Some of the slams are downright nasty, and they've even thrown in some atypical "epic" parts into their songs (check out 01:54 - 02:17 in the video below, for instance). Great stuff!

Fun fact: Two of the band members used to be in the sadly defunct Swedish slam band MP5K, who, I believe, lost the raw tape to their upcoming full length in a studio fire (or a data crash, I only remember this vaguely from the Devourment board). I don't think they had any form of backup or even demo tapes, and the album was never released. Their only release was the 2007 EP "Deranged Stockholm Syndrome", which is pretty good.

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Down from the Wound is releasing a new album next year titled Violence and the Macabre. Here is a song from it and a portion of a rough track and there is another on Comatose records website.

Russia's Aborted Fetus is also releasing a new full-length called Private Judgment Day. No songs on youtube yet, but check Comatose's site again for a peek at a song. Good to see you here again Henrik, we need more veterans who know their shit around here.
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Glad to see DFtW back. And to answer your earlier question morguelord, I really like cannibalistic infancy. Perverse dependence is more of a blind buy.

Oh and yes slam is a subgenre of bdm

This is bizarre and actually really awesome. Slam with all kinds of banjo littering the album.