Brutal/Slam Death Metal

I fucking love the skull caving bass drops - intense stuff. Good record, it probably wont stand up as long for me as the vulvectomy record but right now i'm enjoying the gimmick
Preproduction preview of Disgorge's forthcoming And The Weak Shall Perish.

And the new Necrotic Disgorgement since the last link didn't work.

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not to double post, but I had to put fucking Kraanium!!!! They have four songs written so far, so the album will probably be late this year.

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New Kraanium is fantastic. Thanks for that.

I'm diggin' the new 'Devour The Unborn' also.

The new Necrotic Disgorgement is good but the mix/production is a bit lacking in that the drums can overshadow the guitars. Some really good material on that album - good guitar licks. Kind of reminds me a tiny bit of Unfathomable Ruination.

Right now I keep blasting Extermination Dismemberment over and over. Those guitars. Those bass drops. :)
Man, the Extermination mix is soooooo bad. Like, the guitar tone is great and I love the vox, but whoever produced this should be charged with a war crime. It's compressed to fuck and the only part of the bass drum that you can actually hear is the shitty click, meanwhile the whole lower end of the spectrum is just one big mush.
Man, the Extermination mix is soooooo bad. Like, the guitar tone is great and I love the vox, but whoever produced this should be charged with a war crime. It's compressed to fuck and the only part of the bass drum that you can actually hear is the shitty click, meanwhile the whole lower end of the spectrum is just one big mush.

I went back in forth between Pathology's last and this album and it was like half as loud sounding... I figured it was the YT compression thing.
I'm totally good w/ the Extermination Dismemberment mix. They're more than likely using 8-string guitars giving it that super-low, but crunchy sound. Massive sounding guitars much like Katalepsy, though Katalepsy has a much clearer drum sound and better production overall. This mix is WAAAAY better than 90% of the stuff coming out lately. I like it a lot. Huge, massive, slamming guitar riffing which is what I care about the most.
That's just it though. You can hear precisely three things: the guitar, the vocals, and the "click" of the kick drum. Absolutely everything else is a mush of humming low frequencies.