Brutal/Slam Death Metal

Ezophagothomia - Oratory From the Burning Coffins [MCD/EP] (2014)

Apoptosis Gutrectomy - In Gorge Excruciating Of Human Putrefaction

Perverted Dexterity - Primitive Scene Of Inhumanity
Really excited for that first one. Don't know the rest but will look to check them out. :)

Keep this thread burnin' fellas. One of few I really enjoy - on any forum.
Good ones Leroy! I was gonna post that Ezophagothomia soon, I'm super psyched for that! I seriously need to do a mega-post. Perhaps tonight I shall. I've been busy lately guys, sorry!
Alright megapost time. First up, guitar tracks from the new Septycal Gorge, which should fucking slay:

New Placenta Powerfist! Pretty good slamming deathgrind:


Vomitous Mass-Devour Excrement. Pretty good stuff for some stupid slams.


Veiyadra is way better than I thought they would be. Awesome Jap slam.

A Relics of Humanity teaser. Sounds pretty good to me!



Complete with audio sample:

Euphegenia artwork, looks killer.


New Abhorrent Castigation:

New Suicide of Disaster album art:


Splattered Entrails will be releasing a compilation. Sorry for the censorship, it's all I could find.


New Cognitive art:


New Cerebral Paralysis!

New band called Visceral Disorder. They are from Russia and claim to play "Texas-styled death metal" so this all around sounds awesome.


Pathologically Explicit has a song up on their website for them, as well.

New album from a band called Bludgeon, titled Devoted to Lunacy. Looks promising.


New Unfathomable Ruination! Their first was great, this will slay for sure.


New Syphilectomy EP:


New Fleshbomb!! Really excited for this one!


New Infecting the Swarm art!


New Phalloplasty sounds pretty good:

New Parasitic Ejaculation!


New Delusional Parasitosis:


New Posthumous Blasphemer:


New Cerebral Extinction:


Okay, I think that's it. I'm probably missing quite a few, and I wish more of these had music to go with, but oh well. It's just supposed to be a preview of what is coming up anyway, so you guys have an idea. If anyone finds more info or music, please post, we're all always looking for more slams!!
That Posthumous Blasphemer is a pretty good album.

New Unfathomable Ruination? Whaaaat!? YES YES YES!

Have you heard new ones from: Twitch Of The Death Nerve or the latest Russian Death Metal Compilation?


Would absolutely not buy from Brutal Bands right now. His Facebook is plagued with no order, no response. As usual, what a piece of trash he is.
Super excited for this. It sounds chuggy and immense and thick and I love it.

Both the new Abysmal Torment and that Visceral Hatred albums have leaked.

So far I'm only into the Abysmal Torment album and WOW. Brace your ears for an onslaught of epic skull-crushingly terrorizing riff-raging technical brutal chaotic mayhem. WOW. WOW. WOW.

But then, I kind of expected this. ;) They rule.
Really? I mean, I'll probably check it, but the first album basically just sounds like Beheaded and the second is a riff-salad boring tech death exercise.
Really? I mean, I'll probably check it, but the first album basically just sounds like Beheaded and the second is a riff-salad boring tech death exercise.

The most recent Beheaded was very weak. The A.T. album is closer to Soreption's latest 'Engineering The Void'. Nothing like Beheaded. Far superior in talent, skill, technicality. I could go on. I think it's outstanding.

As for the Visceral Hatred album I tend to agree with you. It gets monotonous after a few songs (or riffs, lol). Some cool riffs, at times, but not a great album. I have to give it another chance, though I don't expect to change my opinion.

Cultivating The Apostate, however, will be a serious 'best of 2014' candidate for me.
Visceral HATRED sucks dick from what I remember, if it's who I'm thinking of. Shitty one man drum machine garbage. Visceral DISORDER is the song that I posted. They are a Russian band whose description on Facebook says "Texas Styled Death Metal" and the song fits that description pretty well.
Visceral HATRED sucks dick from what I remember, if it's who I'm thinking of. Shitty one man drum machine garbage. Visceral DISORDER is the song that I posted. They are a Russian band whose description on Facebook says "Texas Styled Death Metal" and the song fits that description pretty well.

Ahah! That's the ticket. I must have mixed up one of the 11,324 bands that start with 'Visceral', lol. My bad. :(
Now playing: Ass-kicking: Old-schooling: Hard-hitting: Tight-riffing Pyaemia:
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