Brutal/Slam Death Metal

Yeah I like Nephrectomy and Failed Virgin, and Gutted Alive is, as you said, surprisingly good. Cerebral Effusion is very, very good, but as technical as they are, I'd like to see how they pull off the gentle drums and pristine vocals live.

As for some easy listening:

Gutteral Engorgement The Slow Decay of Infested Flesh

So good.
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I discovered this cool band from Ecuador this morning:

Also, Amputated Genitals revealed an awesome album cover, hopefully the sound and songwriting lives up to it.

Gastrorrexis is super sick, love the shit outta them. And I'm beyond psyched about a new Amputated Genitals release, fuckin' awesome!
All Mark Rawls projects suck.

New Cerebral Effusion is going to crush all of our ear pussies.

^Mark Rawls makes the most generic slam possible. It's almost as bad as Artery Eruption

If you find them to be generic, and I don't, Gutteral Engorgement is good. It's is not at the typical pace of bands of this type, it's a little slower, but by a touch, and it works. I've heard much worse, and I've listened to other bands of this type and they don't sound like anyone else. And they sound like I'd want to see them live; my headbanging says they're not generic. That's right, I'm defending Gutteral Engorgement.

As for Cerebral Effusion, I've said that they're really really good, however, considering the nature of their playing and the technicality of the music, how pristine the vocals and drums are, they are a studio band. I do not believe they'll be able to convey the same skill live, so I am willing to bet a penny that they'll be really really shitty live proportionate to how really really good they are in the studio, so don't get your panties too wet over them.
Putridity is recording, as is Incinerate, Pillory, and Sarcolytic. Fuck, there's sooooooo many good releases coming up.
So guys, and feel free to hate me, I've decided I don't like Vulvectomy. Their music, while repetitive is listenable but Jesus fucking Christ their vocalist is annoying and on the frontside of the mix most of the time. Putridity > Vulvectomy any day.

Currently waiting on the new Traumatomy to get here. Pretty excited because I really liked the full length and they made the ep long enough it has some meat to it.
So I've been exploring Brutal Death Metal a lot more as of late, and I've been using this thread (specifically Krow's list) to check out some bands (, and I was wondering if some of you guys could recommend some more bands that aren't listed in that thread. I've been a fan of some of the bigger slam bands like Deeds of Flesh and Devourment for a few years now, but it's only been the past few months that I really started to explore the genre. It's quickly becoming one of my favorite sub-genres in all of metal.
So I've been exploring Brutal Death Metal a lot more as of late, and I've been using this thread (specifically Krow's list) to check out some bands (, and I was wondering if some of you guys could recommend some more bands that aren't listed in that thread. I've been a fan of some of the bigger slam bands like Deeds of Flesh and Devourment for a few years now, but it's only been the past few months that I really started to explore the genre. It's quickly becoming one of my favorite sub-genres in all of metal.

Damn, that list is old. I've been here forever. :lol:

I can probably come up with a post 2009 list and I'm sure the other guys here will be willing to help out too.
So guys, and feel free to hate me, I've decided I don't like Vulvectomy. Their music, while repetitive is listenable but Jesus fucking Christ their vocalist is annoying and on the frontside of the mix most of the time. Putridity > Vulvectomy any day.

I liked Vulvectomy quite a bit a couple of years ago, but their more recent album wasn't that great (though better than Post-Abortion) and I never want to re-listen to their debut anymore. So I'm kind of in the same boat.

Also, digging Omnioid quite a bit. Thanks to Morguelord for that one.
Here's a list of post 2009 bands, neph. I'm sure I excluded some good ones and possibly screwed a few up, (and some probably had stuff out before 2009) but fuck it.

Vomit God
Cerebral Effusion
Short Bus Pile Up
Cephalic Impurity
Human Parasite
Aborted Fetus
Cranial Osteotomy
Visceral Disgorge
Secreted Entity
Devour the Unborn
Cotard Syndrome
Extermination Dismemberment
Euphoric Defilement
7 H Target
Dragging Entrails
Cannibalistic Infancy
Orgiastic Rebirth
Parasitic Ejaculation
Necromorphic Irruption
Raped by Pigs
Myocardial Infarction
Here's a list of post 2009 bands, neph. I'm sure I excluded some good ones and possibly screwed a few up, (and some probably had stuff out before 2009) but fuck it.

Vomit God
Cerebral Effusion
Short Bus Pile Up
Cephalic Impurity
Human Parasite
Aborted Fetus
Cranial Osteotomy
Visceral Disgorge
Secreted Entity
Devour the Unborn
Cotard Syndrome
Extermination Dismemberment
Euphoric Defilement
7 H Target
Dragging Entrails
Cannibalistic Infancy
Orgiastic Rebirth
Parasitic Ejaculation
Necromorphic Irruption
Raped by Pigs
Myocardial Infarction

I would also like to add
Pus Vomit
Begging For Incest

to this list. :) You might have heard some of their grooves before, but sometimes different bands do the same thing just better than others-it's your choice which one you like best. I also think the more grindish bands like Cemetary Rapist and Satan's Revenge on Mankind and Whore Torture can be decent in the same vein.
Ah well, I haven't looked through any thing, I'm just posting what comes to mind. I updated my post anyway to include a few more bands, sorry for any repeat bands.