Brutal/Slam Death Metal

Prostitute Disfigurement has always straddled the line between BDM and regular death metal.

My vote is for poser. "oh look at me, I can name uber-br00tal bands to shock scene kids." Wow, such gore, very slam. Special snowflake award. Granted, seeing the look on peoples' faces when they say "Metal? You mean like Bring me the Horizon or AC/DC" And you're like ".....Nah more like God Dethroned or Amputated Genitals" always put a big smile on my face hahahaha
Intricately infused diaper messages

Horribly combusted shoe laces

severed cat mops

heat seeking niglets

rhetorical hand sanitizer

forbidden censored peanut gallery

chinese sailor hooligans

Just a few things I say to scene kids when they ask me what I listen to, the way I see it, they don't even deserve to know what I listen to :goggly:
Any good BDM similar to Brodequin and Colombian bands such as Amputated Genitals?

A raw yet still powerful production, not too technical, with loud trashcan sounding drums that almost constantly blast but also slow down for that occasional groove, but that is not exactly slam.

Also i would prefer the vocals to be more of a deep and gurgle-y style rather than squealy.
morguelord--- decaying purity sounds cool. i like the growling vocals approach, kind like shawn whitaker, though i'm curious if there will be variety on the album. i picked up imitation on big cartel and got the previous savage iniquity as well.

clicheuser--- i really enjoy those debuts by brodequin and amputated genitals -- to me, both of those are pretty abstract and take some time to really "get." a monster release in this style of inscrutable brutal death metal is--- (band) enmity (album) vomit forth intestinal excrement. really intense and stormy stuff there, though not the colombian sound.
I seem to remember Blaze Inside and Masturbation being Columbian trash can slam.

Bought some more stuff last night, devourment's third album because I've never heard it in its entirety, abominable putridity's debut because its awesome, and putridity's 2nd album because every slam band with putridity in the name is awesome. And the new aborted fetus on comatose. I've also got some Jasad, Vulvectomy's 3rd album and Waco Jesus latest coming. All kinds of brootal shit coming my way for intimate listening.
What would be some examples of some really, really bad BDM? And I mean "bad" as in fucking horrible shit you never want to listen to again. Just curious.
Artery Eruption. Sikfuk. Waking the Cadaver - Perverse Recollections of a Necrofaggot. (They got listenable after this)
ClichéUserName;10796756 said:
Any good BDM similar to Brodequin and Colombian bands such as Amputated Genitals?

A raw yet still powerful production, not too technical, with loud trashcan sounding drums that almost constantly blast but also slow down for that occasional groove, but that is not exactly slam.

Also i would prefer the vocals to be more of a deep and gurgle-y style rather than squealy.

That should be good for now, lol.
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^That post, all of my yes. Also these:

As for bad BDM, I can't stand Artery Eruption or Inhuman Dissilency. No One Gets Out Alive fucking annoys me. Ingested (post-first album) and Disfiguring the Goddess are absolutely awful, bland, overproduced br00tal-core garbage, especially DtG. I can tolerate Ingested, it's mainly their second album I hate, though I haven't listened to their newest EP yet.

There's a lot of god-awful slam. It's an oversaturated genre, so it's bound to happen.
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I actually enjoy some Artery Eruption, somehow, and Inhuman Dissilency. NOGOA though can go fuck themselves, Cemetery Rapist as well. Ingested's first album is kinda too core-like for my tastes, and the drum production is just obnoxious. You might like the new EP though, it's a return back to that sound.
That's why I didn't like their second album, far too deathcore oriented. I could hardly tolerate it on the first. I keep trying Artery Eruption, and as much as I love retardedly pure slam, I just can't dig it.

Btw good haul Krow.

Also, for the blasty Colombian-esque shit, you can't miss Introrectalgestation:

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Never considered DtG slam or brutal death metal.

His last three records are decent if you're into that djenty deathcore sort of thing.