Brutal/Slam Death Metal

Yeah, Ian supposedly (according to multiple sources from people in the bands who were fucked) fucked over a lot of bands, forcing bands off shows for no good reason, setting up shows and not paying people, setting up shows and bailing, etc. I've heard they're very spotty with their big-cartel as well.
Some responses--
Manic Ferocity. Both those bands you mention are pretty chopsy / actively riffed. You might like Boal (see below), though their sound isn't organic. And you might like Pathology's Awaken to the Suffering, which is my favorite of theirs. Your icon is great, and like you, I dig a lot of old stuff. (Bolt Thrower is my fave DM band, and if you like them, be sure to check out Trenchrot's new album.)

Morguelord--- Thanks for the massive post!
It took some time to get through it. Human Bashing was decent, though Iniquitous Savagery and Imitation are the two I'll be investigating further. The earlier is quite raw and savage and with good vocals.
Mass Infection sounds a bit like a song from Black Force Domain, but played in time and with modern (but good) production. If that album has some variety, maybe. Again thank you for the post.

The best of the recent brutal dm I've purchased (both from Sevared):



And the hardest slamming album I've heard in the last few months is still the 2013 one by Necrambulant. For fans of Epicardiectomy & Cephalotripsy, though I actually prefer this album to those.
Man that's shitty to hear about him, he seemed like a moderately cool guy. Kind of a wigger, but still decent. Whatever I guess.

Your welcome c_zar, glad I can help! That Imitation is fucking radical. I didn't think Necrambulant was a whole lot like Cephalotripsy or Epicardiectomy. Those bands are pure, diluted slam, with one slam right after another the whole time. Necrambulant was pretty tech-y if I remember, but I could be thinking of someone else. Either way, they did rule pretty hard.

Thanks daVNiz, but I don't think I'm the best. The old guys, like V5, cookiecutter, and Malice were the shit, and I'm just trying to fill some of the gap they left, but it looks like V5 and gundam are coming back. Krow also knows his shit super well.

Agreed, Krow, I think Boal was pretty lame. Heard a couple songs, wasn't impressed, so I passed.

Anyway, onto some releases! NEW DISENTOMB:


NEW HYDROCEPHALIC. Brutal death metal super group with multiple vocalists including members of Disgorge and Flesh Consumed, among many others.

It's not new though, it's just a higher quality recording of their untitled album that they never "really" released. :P
I thought a couple songs weren't released previously. Oh well, either way it sounds incredible. I'm super psyched for that Disentomb.
I like "Slam Death Metal" when I'm trying to be underground and obscure. Like if that kid with fringe and skinny jeans comes up and ask, "Hey, do you like Attila?" Me: "No, I like Begging For Incest."

And being a drummer, drumming slam death is quite fun.

Other than that, I can't really take all the "Bree Bree"s.
I have no idea what you're trying to say.

That new Disentomb will be godly, same with that Hydrocephalic, just based on their lineup.
I'll bitch at Andy on Facebook to get him back here more often, he's busy with beer reviews and whatnot. Malice was always on and off, but he had some good recs here and there. Cookiecutter is going to school/puts his girlfriend first I believe, I never hear from him.

I was just a twat with a decent knowledge of the BDM/Slam scene, it's great to see this thread is still active though.
Given 2013 was the greatest year for bdm ever, I see this thread sticking around for a while.

So does anyone have any thoughts on the new Afflictive Emasculation?

It's a very different and uninviting slam album. First off the song titles are interesting, even more so when run through google translate, very anti bdm. The album itself contains no goofy samples, no wiggerisms, and a sort of murky in a good way production. Like I said, very interesting to me and very anti brutal death.

Oh and the new prostitute disfigurement rocks. Didn't see that coming.
I haven't given it a listen yet, their debut album was incredibly mediocre so I wasn't looking forward to it. I'll grab it sometime tomorrow.

The new Prostitute Disfigurement is some pretty fun stuff, but it's like... right on the border between plain death metal and BDM no?