Brutal/Slam Death Metal

Any of you guys use Spotify? It's where I listen to all the new music I listen to. I have a hard time finding a lot of the more "underground" bands mentioned here on Spotify, I also buy but there's so many cool bands and albums that I like listening to new shit all the time.

If anyone uses Spotify, it'd be cool to make a public playlist or something where we can put cool BDM/Slam bands we discover and love.
Definitely looking forward to Kraanium and Epicardiectomy. Cephalotripsy is supposedly recording.
Any of you guys use Spotify? It's where I listen to all the new music I listen to. I have a hard time finding a lot of the more "underground" bands mentioned here on Spotify, I also buy but there's so many cool bands and albums that I like listening to new shit all the time.

If anyone uses Spotify, it'd be cool to make a public playlist or something where we can put cool BDM/Slam bands we discover and love.
Honestly speaking, I don't know what Spotify is, but I like the idea of public BDM/Slam playlists. I should have a look at what it is. Until then, I suggest you guys to post your top 10 or so best BDM releases of the past year.
Favorite slam/bdm for 2013:

1. Craniotomy Supply of Flesh Came Just in Time (easily my favorite bdm/slam of the year)
2. Suffocation Pinnacle of Beldlam
3. Expurgate Dementia Tremens (some great catchy vocals really, really elevate this one...)
4. Necrovile, Engorging the Devourmental Void
5. Gastrorrexis, The Taste of Putrefaction
6. Necrambulant, Infernal Infectious Necro-Ambulatory Pandemic (the highest percentage of actual slamming dm of my favorites)
7. Cannibalistic Infancy, Dominant Inhumanity
8. Extermination Dismemberment, Serial Urbacide
9. Perverse Dependence, The Patterns of Depravity
10. Goemagot, Eradication of Insignificant Beings

Favorite death metal album
Rattenfanger, Epistolae Obscurorum Virorum (technically late 2012 i think)
I thought it was deathcore. Unmerciful isn't bad though and as long as the PP guy isn't doing vocals it could be okay.

So I saw Goretrade's new album is out on sevared. Anyone heard it?
Didn't know they had a new album, will check it out. Goretrade is one of the few brutal DM acts that I like.
Unmerciful is good, Cerebral Bore is meh, Putrid Pile is decent. But Shaun is super fucking cool and I'm excited to see what he can come up with with a full band behind him. He will be doing guitars and backing vocals. That Goretrade album has been out for quite a while now I think. Very good stuff, though.
If it was truly released by sevared, then it was literally released yesterday. I'm thinking there was a big delay and the album was supposed to come out last year. It isn't even on the metal archives yet.
That's probably it. Cuz I know I've seen that cover and heard stuff from it already. I could be wrong. Meh.
Any of you guys use Spotify? It's where I listen to all the new music I listen to. I have a hard time finding a lot of the more "underground" bands mentioned here on Spotify, I also buy but there's so many cool bands and albums that I like listening to new shit all the time.

If anyone uses Spotify, it'd be cool to make a public playlist or something where we can put cool BDM/Slam bands we discover and love.

I could do that. I've been on Spotify a while and know most of the albums that are available. It sucks that there are a lot of the more underground ones missing, but there's a pretty damn good selection.
Honestly speaking, I don't know what Spotify is, but I like the idea of public BDM/Slam playlists. I should have a look at what it is. Until then, I suggest you guys to post your top 10 or so best BDM releases of the past year.

Spotify is a music streaming service, you can pretty much listen to whatever you want (their catalog is huge and keeps growing) whenever you want and how many times you want, but you don't "own" the music. You pay a monthly fee and the artists/labels get paid a percentage of the total income depending on number of plays. I love it cause I love discovering new music and getting into classic albums I hadn't got into before, and I can't afford to buy absolutely every new album I listen to, so I can listen to it "legally", even if the total revenue bands get is not really a lot except if you're huge, I still think it's better than pirating. I also end up buying a ton of CDs I first listen to on Spotify. If I keep playing it often I just decide it's time to buy the actual CD. I pay 10€ a month for the premium service and for the amount of music I listen to it's more than worth it. Just walking to/from work, working out and cleaning/cooking, I listen to about 4 hours of music every day, and like half of that is on Spotify, the other half is from albums I own.

There's also the free version, which is ad supported, but you can't use your phone for it, just the desktop version, and I definitely need the phone. So if you listen to music mostly on your computer, the free one works fine if you don't mind random ads between songs.

I could do that. I've been on Spotify a while and know most of the albums that are available. It sucks that there are a lot of the more underground ones missing, but there's a pretty damn good selection.

Yeah, and I just noticed that last month a lot of BDM albums have been dissapearing, it's worrying, now the only Devourment album that's there is the latest one, the others are gone, so are Vulvectomy and Katalepsy. I hope that gets fixed soon and they get put back up. It also varies depending on the country, so maybe you have more stuff in the States or the UK than I have in Spain.

So I'll make the playlist, make it a collab and public, and post the link right here so whoever wants to can start filling it up:

Whoever wants to add to it just has to subscribe to it and is free to add songs.
So the guys from Devour the Unborn and the bassist from Guttural Secrete released an album recently.
Kyojin Daigyakusatsu - Muhaka. sounds really interesting, right? The bands name translates to Giant Massacre btw.
Just dropped some coin on a bunch of slam.

Myocardial Infarction- Revitalization Of The Perniciousness
Necromorphic Irruption- Slaughter On The Earth
Human Mastication- Grotesque Mastication of Putrid Innards 2013
Vulvectomy- Post Abortion Slut Fuck
Goretrade- Doomsday Device
Begotten- Bloodstained Gods
7 H Target - Fast Slow Demolition
Afflictive Emasculation - OSVII - esse deum

Pretty good mix of good and older I think. I really want 7HT's Psy Slam Damage as well. Just wish it wasn't so short.
Remember when there was an old school death metal thread to counteract this one? I didn't know people liked slam enough for it to remain consistently in the first section of threads on the forum. I thought it was a joke with a small amount of enthusiasts. Guess not.
Remember when there was an old school death metal thread to counteract this one? I didn't know people liked slam enough for it to remain consistently in the first section of threads on the forum. I thought it was a joke with a small amount of enthusiasts. Guess not.

The "Death Metal" thread seems to be dead, nobody ever really posts in it.

This thread isn't just for slam which generally I would agree is horrible, there is some good brutal death metal out there.