Brutal/Slam Death Metal

It means that the guys in Katalepsy can't speak English worth a shit.

My assumption was that they meant something like "grievous" but who really knows? They may have been trying to use a Russian word that doesn't exist in English and that's as close as they could get it.
Wow this thread sure has been dead for a while. Let's try to bring it back. Some of my recent genre listens:

How have you not heard Gutrot already? And no, because that song came from their split with Dysentery in 2004 and that godawful Sikfuk trash album came out in 2006.
eh. Glanced at it and made some dumb assumptions. Thought it was something newer because everything else in your post and tone was, and for some reason also thought it was Headrot, who finally released an album after like 25 fucking years.

I actually think I may have posted that while driving, short story, im a retard.

Nah it's cool. Just been spinning that split lately with the new NSE releases. Very much in the same vein, as is the Neurogenic, but I need that disk still. Headrot is cool. I think i have their comp., Gulping the Remains or something??
Putrefied Cadaver - 6/10 love the drums
Fetor - There's riffs! samey samey Reminds me of Deranged? 7/10
Mutilated - Could be any fucking douche DM..oh yeah Gutalax vokills thrown in
l must admit l like a bit of Mutilated 6/10
Enmity - all fucking drums and boy scout riffs 3/10
Brodequin - see...l love that snare and l love the drums but we already have Mortician 5/10
The entire time I've been here people have occasionally dropped into this thread to leave a smart remark and nothing else. Nothing new.
Non-contributional comments are such a boner kill. I check this thread at work when I'm bored (always) and I get a lil chub when I see there's new posts because I want some meaningful BDM conversation, but nah. It's usually crap.

Also, neither Mutilated, Enmity, or Brodequin is nowhere near "slam". I could count the amount of slamming riffs on all 3 albums on one hand. Good effort though.
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