Brutal/Slam Death Metal

Slam tends to be slower and relies on tons of breakdowns. Ala Devourment or more modern extreme examples like Parasitic Ejaculation.

Bdm is faster and only occasionally has the breakdowns. Suffocation, Gorgasm.

Goregrind tends to get lumped in with them too.

I can't imagine it's too hard to hear the difference but I've been listening to it forever.
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Slam tends to be slower and relies on tons of breakdowns. Ala Devourment or more modern extreme examples like Parasitic Ejaculation.

Bdm is faster and only occasionally has the breakdowns. Suffocation, Gorgasm.

Goregrind tends to get lumped in with them too.

I can't imagine it's too hard to hear the difference but I've been listening to it forever.

I think it's because I haven't been exposed to tons of slam but thanks!
Slam is honestly hilarious. I probably wouldn't spend money on it but it's an endless source of comedic value.

Why aren't you trying to hit on women out of your league? Do you need a wing man? I live in Reading and I can come to you if you need to go to Jags to get some woman who is going to not give you the time of day
This album right here has the best names I have ever seen, by a band with a name that is as equally as good and is filled with some of the funniest tracks that have ever graced my ears

I like funny death metal. I'm the promoter of a fest where Party Cannon is playing and I like Zuckuss, who are a Star Wars themed death metal band with an album called Titfucked by a Tauntaun. Humor isn't the problem, besides the fact that what they play isn't humorous, it's just edgy. That band is garbage musically. Trendy fucking trash for 15 year old deathcore fags who just found slam. Everything wrong with the oversaturated, bullshit genre of slam.
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Most "joke" bands are generally crap. They take the whole thing as a joke rather than just the aesthetic and the compositions are trash. Party Cannon are the opposite though, really solid music! Love when my negative expectations are proven wrong.
I usually don't listen to many bands in this genre but the album cover caught my eye so i decided to give it a try. It gave me a good laugh and the music wasn't that bad. Wouldn't listen to it regularly though.
I can't stop listening to Colombian shit lately!!!! Been meaning to get my hands on the new Mental Apraxia for a while.

Anyone else a fan of the Colombian scene? Really waiting on the new Bacteremia and hoping Amputated Genitals finally releases their 3rd full-length.