Approximately Infinite Universe
How could you accuse a guy of having no sense of humour when his avi is fucking Carlton Banks rape face?
Anyone else a fan of the Colombian scene? Really waiting on the new Bacteremia and hoping Amputated Genitals finally releases their 3rd full-length.
Because it's brutal grind/death but not 100% what this topic is about.
My post is more on topic than all of your replies.
How? I post about brutal and alam death metal in this thread which you haven't done or make fun of here. Quit drinking and go to bed.
Because it's brutal grind/death but not 100% what this topic is about.
I mean all the replies to my AOTY post up there you dense cunt. I made my comment because it related to an AOTY list dealing with brutal bands.
Get off my dick and go outside or something.
Nah I'm good, I'll see what people with music taste I have some respect for will say about my original comment. Stop clogging up the threads with your milquetoast comments about owning people. You couldn't own someone if slavery was still legal faggot, now fuck off away from me.
You said my taste was fine though, so..
Yeah, I can think someone's taste is fine and still not respect it, as in it has an impact on my own opinions on music.
Cop out but okay
It's not a cop out. You just didn't hear what you wanted to hear dude.