Brutal/Slam Death Metal

I've liked HoP since before they released their second album. And like Nile, it seems that they get better with each successive album (which is rare). I immediately noticed a striking stylistic similarity to Nile the first time I heard them. And in the band photo that was on MA at one point, one of the dudes was even wearing a Nile shirt. Go figure. I'm surprised you never bothered to look into Nile enough to really form an opinion on them. They are great musicians, though the music is very generic. Have you ever heard Extreme Violence from Greece? The are similar to HoP and Inveracity (moreso than HoP).
ithyphallic was meh, annihalation was great, itds was also good

they are very standard dm, and occasionally boring, but they often remind me pleasantly of suffocation and the egypt gimmick is cute

also their drummer is pretty cool
Meh, I like Origin. Something about the way they play. It's more than just blasturbation. I listen to them the same way I listen to Spastic Ink. It's a mental workout.
i dont know i really like origin despite the fact that they can get dull at times. They seem to try to be too techy and it over complicates their music into a blur of noise.

What the hells up with Necrophagist did they break up and just not say anything i havent heard about them in little over a year now
I don't get why people like Waking the Cadaver. But Despised Icon are sick.

P.S. Deathcore and slam death have shit in common. ;)
I'd put WTC on the same level as a band like Guttural Engorgement...decent but there's so much better slam that it's really just not worth it.
I think the only reason WTC is even remotely known by anyone is because of this:

I remember seeing that vid forever ago and it was the first time I had ever heard of them. I also remember checking their myspace back then, and all they had were their two demo songs and not much else. I don't think they were very well known at that time.

I think that vid is what probably turned all the lame ass br00tal kids onto WTC.
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suffocation is way better than most of the stuff they inspired.

I love that sorta semi-bdm stuff like benighted and skinless, though, and wormed rules.
I never bothered to check out Waking the Cadaver, because of all the negative things I've heard about them on here. It sounds like they're a bad slam band, from what people say. I find bad/mediocre slam to be boring, so I don't think I'll bother to check them out.