Brutal/Slam Death Metal

Kinda getting the urge to check for a deathcore thread now. It's not the greatest genre but it's definitely got gems. Even Bring Me the Horizon's first EP and full length please me.

Fuck yeah dude! Hahahah, early BMTH is so fucking weird. A buncha scene emo kids wearing CC and Necrophagist shirts.

Oh fuck! The early Whitechapel demos are as close as Deathcore gets to slam

Death metal is supposed to be brutal and ugly. Tech death often ignores this for slickness with ugliness being a lazy afterthought. Fuck. That. Slam death metal is just ugly and insists upon its ugliness even at the expense of being musical at times. That's exactly what death metal should be.

You're telling me slam is more true to what death metal should be than say, Atheist, Gorguts, Death, Cryptopsy etc?
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Than Atheist? Yes. I like Atheist, but yes. Gorguts? Yeah. Death? Early Death and Mantas and shit was pretty death metal but around Spiritual Healing and after, yeah. And Spiritual Healing and Individual Thought Patterns are my fave Death albums but that's because Chuck molested death metal with something off the wall that was still death metal. But not as death metal as slam. And Cryptopsy are untouchable for the first two albums and no one will ever be able to do what they did with death metal so don't even ask me that.

I mean death metal was supposed to be the next step in fucked up metal after Slayer, and anything Atheist or Cynic or whoever did with it was a diversion from what death metal was supposed to be. A nice diversion, but a diversion. And I'd say Devourment et all stayed more true to what death metal is than just about any other form of death metal.
I already posted this in the Op but god damn is this the most entrancing death metal song I've heard in... years? At least since I finally realized that None So Vile was possibly the best death metal album ever and "Slit Your Guts" was the epitome of hailstorm barbarity. Human Rejection's "Proceed to Terminal Isolate" doesn't have the same complexity and texture in riffs as the former song, but it makes up the difference in sheer bug-eyed vehemence. It is the aural equivalent of a BDSM gimp willingly locked in a lightless cellar for 20 years with no human contact finally screeching his inarticulate manifesto in the face of the unsuspecting policeman who discovers him.

The blasting tremolo grind sections (as a musically illiterate pissant I'm going to assume I used tremolo correctly and if not then piss off, ants) have all of the intensity of black metal with none of the cerebral atmosphere, making them merely base, demented aggression on a tier I've only encountered like... five times. I'll go with five times. The intensity is such that once the intermittent breakdowns hit they have all of the inertia of being pulped on the ground after leaping off a building. The sludgier slam riffs act as almost a nihilistic breather that pummel you in bullet time. The violent disorientation of all of these combined stupefy the mind so that one is left purely in the moment and unable to dissect the music in an intelligent manner.

Driving all of this forward are the pig squeal vocals that eschew any kind of variety besides rhythm because anything more would be a distraction to their power. The only thing you need, need to differentiate them from an unbroken drone as if from hell's dial tone are the vibrations from the vocalist's vocal chords and the phlegm he is presumable choking on.

None of these things either separately or in unison are in the least bit new, but they level they operate on boggles the mind. Sorry, just had to drunkenly bloviate on something that I think is vastly awesome.

Putrefying Cadaverment has always been really bland dogshit and they have that faggot from Neckbeard Deathcamp and $lutrot, so they can roll their tourbus off the fucking Grand Canyon for all I care. Morgue is cool, i actually have the LS from their 2001 tour with (I think) Brodequin.

First HR was miles better, imo. Second was weak, felt too much like deathcore, but I haven't listened to it years, so who knows.

That video was kinda cool, he semi-knew-his-shit, outside of a few inaccuracies or omissions, but, in my opinion he took way too weak of a stance with shitty slam kids and letting them propagate their watered down, over saturated bullshit.
Why does politics matter in death metal? It doesn't matter in black metal for the most part unless you're gung ho about reading lyric sheets. I honestly don't know who either of those bands are tbh.
It doesn't. That's what I'm getting at. Anybody attempting to use death metal as a vehicle for their political bullshit can eat a fucking bullet, and should be ostracized from the community at every turn possible. Fuck people who try to make DM political.
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