Brutal/Slam Death Metal

Hey man, nice to meet you. I'll be listening to that Vomitous mcd real soon! and yes, that Composting The Masticated album is good, but I only really like tracks 3,4,5.
New Inherit Disease is above average, but I probably won't buy it.

Damn, I have a lot of brutal DM albums to catch up with. The last 4 weeks or so have been good to the genre.
I'm looking forward to this, as Epicardiectomy is apparently the only czech slam death metal band. And singed on Sevared? I want to hear it.


on Pathologically Explicit Recordings
Fucking awesome new split of Ultra Guttural Brutal Death Metal, featuring Kraanium from Norway Ultra sick Brutal Slamming Death Metal, Epicardiectomy from the Czech Republic, sick slamming guttural brutality!!! and Dormant Carnivore from Russia featuring members of Aborted Fetus, crushing brutal deathgrind! DON'T MISS OUT!!

EDIT: Oh and I don't count PSG as a slam death metal band, but whatever, just that I'm IB4 this discussion.
I heard Carnivore Diprosopus's Madhouse album for the first time yesterday. I didn't expect to like it too much, but it is very good. What other albums out there have that same type of sound?
Hi guys first post, and I figured I'd better do it here. All of you that never heard of "slam" death, I envy you. I wished the day had never come when this bullshit subgenre crossed my ears. I still hate it, always will hate it, because it's as unneeded as most other subgenres. Lemme tell you all something. I have seen it all, I was there when Possessed came out, when Mantis (Death) first came out, I was around at the inception of death metal, and back then it was so simple. There was speed metal, Thrash, Black, and Death Metal (it was brand new).

While it evolved, bands started to become more inventive, adding the time changes (which is what breakdowns were called) which everyone nowadays (noobs) want to call slam. Name any early death metal act, they all had these time changes, Cancer, Morbid Angel, Entombed, Deicide, Pestilence, Atheist, NEVER, I repeat NEVER were these referred to as "SLAM". Now, any band that has "break downs" in it is called Slam Death Metal, they aren't, it doesn't exist, it never existed until people came along that didn't know the history of death metal. Death Metal was influenced by EVERYTHING, speed, thrash, hardcore (which was hardcore punk back then), black, all the heavy genres. Now the bands they claim are influenced by hardcore are called "Deathcore".

Let me explain something, early DM was considered "underground" and was not very marketable, nowadays they are willing to do anything to market music, so they add the "core" labels on it, it's for marketing. I.E. Deathcore, and Metalcore, both which are basic examples of classis metal genres, but called something else. After 30 years they know you cannot market the name Death Metal, so they changed the name to Deathcore, which is basically what your shitty, generic, slam death is. Slam death is a recent unneeded invention, it's a label for generic, untalented death metal, which is exactly what Deathcore is. We need more subgenres like we need a second sphincter. It's just not needed. To someone who has been around to see it all, things like this have burned me out, I have almost stopped listening to it because of the way subgenres and cross-labelling have fucking ruined it. I see a lot of people just getting into death metal, and I realize they may not know the history of it, don't rely on Wikipedia to be accurate or your friend who has listened to it for 5 years.

Go back to the beginning, learn it's history, and stop making up labels that take away from the awe of the death metal genre. I have seen the new Pathology, the new Inherit Disease both come out this year and were labelled "slamming brutal death metal". It pisses me the fuck off. These bands are doing the same damn thing 99% of death metal acts have been doing since the beginning, people who market the music are just thinking up different things to call it to dumb down the newbie kids and get their money. Don't fall for it. Stop with the fucking subgenres already.

Learn to read, the problem is the subgenres themselves, not the music. There is no need to go outside the Death Metal genre and replace it with a subgenre. It's more simplistic to have a brief description of their sound than to keep inventing subgenres everytime someone tries something different. Decrepit Birth for example, has influences from Cynic, do we need Cynic Influenced Brutal Death Metal? No.

Descriptions> Inventing Subgenres
Care to explain what the fundamental difference between a description and a subgenre is? The latter is nothing more than a way of naming musical trends, which do exist, actually--that's why Beherit doesn't sound like Beethoven. Music history is a continuous evolution that, like everything else, has specific taxonomic needs.
I heard Carnivore Diprosopus's Madhouse album for the first time yesterday. I didn't expect to like it too much, but it is very good. What other albums out there have that same type of sound?

Here's more of that Colombian sound you're looking for:
Amputated Genitals - 2005 - Human Meat Gluttony
Amputated Genitals - 2009 - Family Bloodbath
Ancient Necropsy - 2007 - Apocalyptic Empire
Extremely Rotten Flesh - 2007 - The End
Goretrade - 2003 - Ritual Of Flesh
Goretrade - 2006 - Perception Of Hate
Masturbation - 2006 - Putrified Vaginal Infibulation
Purulent - 2001 - Garavito's Pedophilia Tales
Suppuration - 2005 - Pain And Suffering
Suppuration - 2009 - A River Of Corpses
Wormeaten - 2005 - Tortured Cadaveric Humanity

I also recommend these bands from the Philippines:
Disastrous - 2009 - Slavery Of Disgusting Torture
Down From The Wound - 2007 - Agony Through Rituals Of Self Purification
Human Mastication - 2008 - Grotesque Mastication Of Putrid Innards
Pus Vomit - 2009 - Degrade The Worthless

and the Internal Torture half of this spilt
Incarcerate & Internal Torture - 2008 - Butchered Feastings Of Morbid Intentions (Split)
Learn to read, the problem is the subgenres themselves, not the music. There is no need to go outside the Death Metal genre and replace it with a subgenre. It's more simplistic to have a brief description of their sound than to keep inventing subgenres everytime someone tries something different. Decrepit Birth for example, has influences from Cynic, do we need Cynic Influenced Brutal Death Metal? No.

Descriptions> Inventing Subgenres

So, isn't death metal a subgenre of heavy metal? And there are some subgenres within brutal death metal. I agree that there is sometimes no need to classify a band, but what is better between that and complaining about people who classify a band out of the blue?

Thanks Malice, I will check out the bands/ albums on that list that I am not familiar with (about half of them).
tl:dr post

First off, not every band that uses breakdowns are called slam. Where are you getting that from?

Second, deathcore bands arent very marketable, most metal and hardcore just isnt. You're full of shit if you think they're making much more than a standard death metal band. Not to mention what is referred to as "slamming brutal death metal" is extremely unaccessible to most people.

Third, let's not have a single fucking subgenre of music. Let's just call it all music. When I see heavy metal labelled "death metal," it pisses me the fuck off. When I see music labelled "heavy metal," it also pisses me the fuck off.

And finally, it's 2010. Possessed and Death had their day. Metal has moved on, metal has evolved. If it hadnt, the music you claim to love would have died.

(I'd also like to point out that the precursor to death was "Mantas," not "Mantis." Maybe it was just a typo, but I'd think someone with such an extensive knowledge of death metal would know better. Then again, you're trolling... so the better reply was probably just fuck you.)
Is that guy basically saying that those bands referred to as deathcore nowadays play same music as Cancer and Morbid Angel? I hope not. I like what he hates about subgenres because I dislike metalcore and deathcore opposed to (even slam) death metal and I can see the difference. This way I know what bands to avoid / check out thanks to the tag.

But whatever, he was probably a troll.
I only skimmed that guy's post, but I don't really understand people who get upset at subgenres. They're a convenient way to describe similar sounding music. It assists the discovery and the continuation of musical styles, which I think is great. As Krow pointed out, if you argue against the use of subgenres, how can you then use larger genres like death metal or heavy metal? Where do you draw the line.