Brutal/Slam Death Metal

Chapters of Repugnance just doesn't do it for me. Neither does Devourments new album. I need like, an expensive stereo or high quality headphones to enjoy any of it, the distortion is out of control and the sound gets really blurry around the fast parts, it's a pain in the ass to have to sit there and replay an album 1000 times and you only get a few parts out of it because of the heavy distortion making it almost unlistenable. Good examples would be Artery Eruption, Retch, Gorepoflesh, I mean, I like listening to it, but seriously, they know the songs so in there head they know what it should sound like, but we dont, and it just sounds like a big wall of sound.
Part of the enjoyment of brutal death metal I think comes from being totally assaulted and overwhelmed by a blast of sound. This is part of the appeal of all extreme metal but I think it is most apparent with brutal death (or perhaps grindcore). If that doesn't do it for you, then I think you're missing part of the point of the genre.
Part of the enjoyment of brutal death metal I think comes from being totally assaulted and overwhelmed by a blast of sound. This is part of the appeal of all extreme metal but I think it is most apparent with brutal death (or perhaps grindcore). If that doesn't do it for you, then I think you're missing part of the point of the genre.
I'm not so sure about this,i've always been a huge fan of War Metal and some grindcore,Assuck,Carcass ect but still there is something about the Brutal/Slam bands that I can't quite come at,I think it may be the vocals,of the few bands i've heard.I made a haul a while ago,Vulvectomy and Gorevent I really enjoyed but it still has'nt clicked properly with me,I wish I could find a Blasphtized full length although i'm not even sure if there is one atm? They are one band from this genre which i've heard and enjoyed immensely,well the few songs of theirs i've heard anyways.
Blasphtized only have 4 tracks, which are on the

Vomiting Putrid Blasphemy (Split)

Fuck! I always though DS were the fuckin shit! it's a shame to see a founder go, what a cool fuckin dude .. Im going to play psalms and prelude all week.
Chapters of Repugnance just doesn't do it for me. Neither does Devourments new album. I need like, an expensive stereo or high quality headphones to enjoy any of it, the distortion is out of control and the sound gets really blurry around the fast parts, it's a pain in the ass to have to sit there and replay an album 1000 times and you only get a few parts out of it because of the heavy distortion making it almost unlistenable. Good examples would be Artery Eruption, Retch, Gorepoflesh, I mean, I like listening to it, but seriously, they know the songs so in there head they know what it should sound like, but we dont, and it just sounds like a big wall of sound.

Posting in a slam thread with an avatar of a Mark Rawls shitband and not enjoying Devourment or Defeated Sanity's new album? Fuck off.
Posting in a slam thread with an avatar of a Mark Rawls shitband and not enjoying Devourment or Defeated Sanity's new album? Fuck off.

Your missing the point dude, I said I still liked it, It's just not clicking for me, at least the guttural engorgement album is audible, even though the style is practically prehistoric. I mean I don't understand the huge hype about the two bands, or the hype about Wormed. And I made this account when I was a dumbass in the slam genre, I haven't listened to Guttural Engorgement in a while until you mentioned it. Just never mind. You can't have an opposing opinion because most metalheads are angry pissed off people who can't take constructive criticism that will proceed to insult your music taste if you disagree with them.
I love the genre, I was just wondering why they make it so hard to listen to, are they just trying to be "br00t4l" or just trying to weed out the fake fans from the real ones.
Plus I thought that last days of humanity and noise-core shit was the genre for a wall of sound.
I love the genre, I was just wondering why they make it so hard to listen to, are they just trying to be "br00t4l" or just trying to weed out the fake fans from the real ones.

It's just the way the music is. They arent making it hard to listen to... it's just hard to listen to in general... lots of black metal is this way too. You just have to accept it for what it is to be able to hear the beauty in the beast.
Guttural Engorgement is harder to listen to I find then Devourment or Defeated Sanity. I agree with Krow, the music is inherently inacessible.
I don't think you need to like devourment or defeated sanity to like slam/bdm. GE have a very unique sound compared to most of what I listen to, which is why its rare I throw on the album. I don't even see the big deal about wormed, never have. IMO human mincer sounds better, infact, I really like human mincer. I have yet to check out quasineutrality ... mainly because wormed didn't amaze me with their FIRST album .. not that it wasn't pretty good. I guess I'll check out some of the free songs.

Most people here dig devourment because they were the first, and hell, are the essence of brutality and are inspirations to what looks like most of bdm bands. They're still my favorite, and will probably always be.... Though right now I'm really digging Cerebral Effusion and Human Excoriation!
Wormed are better when you listen to them in lossless quality and can hear everything going on. Otherwise yea, they don't sound too great if you don't.

Devourment and Disgorge started the second wave of slam, but they weren't first.. Internal Bleeding and even though I don't really care for them.. Suffocation, started it.
Suffocation never played slam, they played technical brutal death metal with an occasional breakdown... what you're saying is a bit misleading.

Pyrexia are more influential, imo than Internal Bleeding... and finally, Internal Bleeding sucked dick.
Wormed are better when you listen to them in lossless quality and can hear everything going on. Otherwise yea, they don't sound too great if you don't.

Devourment and Disgorge started the second wave of slam, but they weren't first.. Internal Bleeding and even though I don't really care for them.. Suffocation, started it.

... Disgorge was amongst the first bands doing that style, their demo came out in 1992. lol. Internal Bleeding is awful, and Suffocation only had one song that could be considered "slam", off of Effigy of the Forgotten.
... Disgorge was amongst the first bands doing that style, their demo came out in 1992. lol. Internal Bleeding is awful, and Suffocation only had one song that could be considered "slam", off of Effigy of the Forgotten.

Yea one song, but it's still the first song w/ a slam riff.

And IB is not awful.. the Perpetual Degradation EP is the shit as-is Voracious Contempt

Internal Bleeding is mediocre on all levels, but then again, we always fight over taste because you seem to like mediocre slam bands. :p. Jokes. I'll drop it.

Who here bets Disgorge never releases another album?