
Katatonia&Hypocrisy Fan
Sep 4, 2005
Zagreb,Croatia[Hrvatska] it is :) i just come home from Budapest( yes,I live in Croatia,and I have travelled 400+ km to see my favorite band :blush: ) a big fan I was very excitet in how good the gig will be...I'll skip non important details about concert place and all that,and first I'll say only one BIG disapointment...ALMOST NOTHING MERCHENDISE!!! Just 2-3 'Follower' t-shitrs,thongs(yes,I bought that for my girlfriend :goggly: ---When I'll have sex with her,I'll tell her to dress that up,and while doing the 'thing' I can think about Katatonia :lol: ) And,just a lighter..that would be it...even NO CD's!!! But,beside that,everything else was PERFECT!!

First support band was P.O.T....that I must say was pure shit...sorry... :heh: ( local band )

Second was another local band,Variola, but in opposite of P.O.T they were actually very good...rock/metal band,in vein of Depeche Mode,but with more 'metal' feeling

Than first really great I sad in some previous threads,I adore that band,great songs,very good gig,really cool guys beside music...thay were playing for about 45min,and there was songs: Rachel,Nightdriver,Sleepwalk in Rome,Doppoguera,and 2-3 songs from first album that I don't know...(but guitar player was SO GAY!!!--he looked like 50cent,no shit...I'll post tommorow pictures...)

And than gods are coming on stage...little longer preparing,about 30-35min,and then the whole band are coming out on stage(I forgot,band called Cruxshadows was supposted to play before,but nothing of them..even that I saw the whole band...and there was their merch...strange..)

Like many of you already know,there was very little audience-band talking,but that was find with me...I came to listen Katatonia :blush: Sound was REALLY great...nothing to complain about...Jonas and co. was really cool..(man,he gained a lot of weight :heh: ) And,all the Budapest audience was really great...I think here in Croatia,that would be evene better,but am not complaining :)

And know,something that most of you want to's not in right order,but pretty much all songs i think:

Soils Song
My twin
Ghost Of The Sun
Tonight's music
Future Of Speech
For My Demons
Had To(Leave)
Murder-that was closer!!! YEEESSS!!!! Fucking great!!And Jonas vocals too!!

As I sad,tommorow I'll post few pictures...

CHEERS!! :rock:
Well...I am crazy,you know... :goggly: That means...ok,I'll do that...just give me few days...I must borrow digital camera,and you'll get coolest pic on this forum..and most dirty one :heh: :kickass:
Yes, very enjoyable show, even though I was pretty wasted on the local firewater (Palinka!). They played my fave tunes and it sounded great (if a little quiet).

Cruxshadows actually played after Katatonia.They're okay if you like that sort of thing. Judging by the fact most folks had gone home while they played it seems that not many did :)
First time I hear that some band plays after the 'actual show'....I guess there was 50-100 people...that's bad....if I've known that I would stay,but I thought they had maybe some techical problems:blush: But,i saw the band in the concert area before the show,jesus christ,whores and gay vocalist....they looked so stupid... :Smug: