Bugera 333XL Questions


New Metal Member
Oct 18, 2010
Charlotte, NC
Hello all,

I've found a used Bugera 333XL in great condition for $350, which is about $225 cheaper than new from the quick googling I've done, and was hoping to get some opinions on the value at that price. I've heard a few clips on both youtube and this forum that sound pretty damned impressive. My biggest concern is the power. This would most likely be used exclusively in my little hobby home recording set-up and recording at high volumes isn't an option. I can push a modest amount of volume, but the most I ever played with was the 60 watts from a 5150 212 (something I've regretted selling for years now) at a post gain of between 2 - 2.5.

So basically, what I'm trying to weigh here is: Will I be able to get a decent recorded tone out of a Bugera 333XL at a lower volume considering its power or would I be better off spending a little more and getting a Peavey 6505+ 112 and running it through my 212 cab with V30s? Also, any general opinions on the Bugera 333XL would be much appreciated.

120 watts and 60 watts isn't that big of a difference volume wise... the 120 watt amp will only be 3db louder.

The 333XL is pretty much a direct ripoff of the Peavey JSX... and I love my JSX.
The best part of the Bugera in my opinion is the ability to run it at REALLY SUPER DUPER LOW VOLUMES and it still sounds good.

I own one, and I absolutely love it. Its been getting more work them my 5150 or my Krank recently. You will not find an amp with more features anywhere for the price. I love my 333XL
Im with guitarguru777,
I got one cheap £250 here in the UK and its fantastic for the money, sounds awesome at any volume.
If you can handle the cheap feeling pots and plastic knobs you will love it too, i say go get it, you will easily get your money back on it if you decide to sell it on.
Thanks for the info, metalfanat1c. That is fantastic to hear, guitarguru777! DigitalMetal, your point on reselling it was why I was really leaning towards buying. I'm pretty sure I could at least get my money back if I wasn't happy with it.

Thanks for the input.
yeah for sure, it will be an easy sell if you dont like it

..........But you will

.........unless you are really looking for a mesa sound.
So I picked it up last night and plugged it into my 212 with V30s... I'm in love. It sounds fantastic! Even the clean channel was better than expected. I'm totally impressed with the versatility in the distorted channels. I could get some wicked thrash style tones and then turn around and get some thick, saturated KSE sounds. And, as was reported in this thread, all at very reasonable volumes. This work day can't move fast enough.