Bugera 6260 vs 6262


likes jambands, too
Sep 8, 2009
hey everyone, i'm just wondering if theres any difference in SOUND between these two amps. I know the 6262 has dual EQ's and a 6th 12ax7, but thats it... can anyone comment?
Not sure if this will help, but:

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Yes indeed, the 6260 is the clone of a Peavey 5150/6505 and the 6260 is a clone of Peavey's 5150II/6505+.
Is it just me, or is it totally bitch to completely copy another companys' amp?

Peaveys problem really, if someone wants to sell the same thing for cheaper then I have absolutely no problem with that, consumer benefit. Its like buying non-Coca Cola brand coke at the supermarket, different label, shit tastes the same, its cheaper, I win.
It's been my impression that cloning and copying with minor adjustments is commonly how new amp models have come about in the past. Copy or not, the Bugera amps do sound significantly unique enough to stand on their own feet. I've yet to really get into the 6260 and mod the guts out of it, but even my very first toy around with it straight into impulses seemed to impress some of the guys here. Not bad for $300.
I agreed with Ermz , on a sidenote aren´t Marshalls copys of Fender`s Bassman, or Soldanos copys of hotrodded Marshalls ? I know boogies started as copys of something but i cant recall ......
Im not justifying Behringer/Bugera approach to copy everthing they can :D

I really hope bugera will raise their quality controls cuz those amps sound preety good for the price ¡¡
Didn't Soldano file a lawsuit against Peavey when the 5150 came out, claiming that the circuit board was a direct copy?
Pxz said:
I really hope bugera will raise their quality controls cuz those amps sound preety good for the price ¡¡

My 333 withstood a tour and probably over 100 hours of practice/studio/general fucking around without a single issue yet. Yeah, the quality is sooooo bad. :rolleyes:
Just FTR: If your listening to the video clips above, keep in mind that they're using Bugera cabinets. Which are pure fizz-hell AIDS. Those amps sound at least ten times better through your standard V30 cab.
Just FTR: If your listening to the video clips above, keep in mind that they're using Bugera cabinets. Which are pure fizz-hell AIDS. Those amps sound at least ten times better through your standard V30 cab.

Yeah 333->Recto cab = pretty slick. :)
The quality control of these has definitely improved. I read something about a wiring harness thing was clipped to the PCB and the plastic clip would melt, but at the start of 2009 Bugera realized why everyone was sending their amps back/getting them fixed and so started soldering the wiring harness instead and since then everyone that has bought one since 2009 seems to have not had any problems with them.

I'm thinking of picking one of these badboys up next year because I want to actually start miking up real amps because I'm starting to feel using a POD lacks something, there's just something about the roar of an actual amp that inspires you to play better, but that's just me personally.
Some people keep saying "MAN GET A PEAVEY" but unfortunately unlike in the US 6505s are not even cheap at all when you buy them new in Australia, whereas the Bugeras are extremely well priced for something that sounds so good.
I'd love to find out about mods for these amps, I just love the idea I could probably have a Bugera modded and still come out cheaper than buying a brand new unmodded 6505.
I read something about a wiring harness thing was clipped to the PCB and the plastic clip would melt, but at the start of 2009 Bugera realized why everyone was sending their amps back/getting them fixed and so started soldering the wiring harness instead

FWIW i had an ampeg vl-1002 that did this...so it's not like it's just cheap-ass manufacturers that make bone-headed mistakes like that
oh i know that the 6260 is a 5150 rip and the 6262 is the 5150 II, but what I'm wondering is how similar the BUGERA'S are to each other, vs. how similar they are to the amp they're copying.

Like, how similar are the 5150 and the 5150 II? Has anyone ever played BOTH? I played a 5150 for a long time, and Guitar Center has a 6262 combo amp that I REALLY dig, and I can get a 6260 amp for a steal of a price, so I wanna know how similar the 6260 amp is to the 6262.