Bugera 6260 vs 6262

Put it this way, you can definitely tell what amps they are trying to copy by their sounds ;) They are slightly different flavors though basically. You need to play them because no amount of anyone describing it to you is precise enough because it's all subjective to who you ask.
lol that doesn't help at all...

i know what the 6262 sounds like, i just wanna know what the 6260 sounds like COMPARED to it, like... does it have more lows? is it muddier? less gain? all that good stuff
if they copied it well then people say that a 5150 has more gain than a 5150ii, but that doesn´t really matter because u will not use it past 6 on the green channel and past 4 on the red....
it has been said that the original design has a little more grind/growl to it than the subsequent, and there have been people who eventually had the 5150ii and prefered the original.
Now, it depends of how well they copied it...
i´d go for a 6260 because of the $$$, but when i faced similar situation as u i went for the original 6505 new (and it wasn´t like 1090 that it is now....), the deal presented itself and i grabbed it
oh yeah i'd totally get a Peavey if i could afford it, but a Bugera 6260 head for $250 is a fuckin steal haha
Yeah 333->Recto cab = pretty slick. :)

Agreed. I tried out that combination at a local music store, and it was sex for my ears. Kind of interesting that a cheap head through a slightly pricey cab would sound so good.

I'm looking into getting a 333XL once I have the money. Only problem is, then I have to get a decent cab too. Damned minimum wage job...
lol that doesn't help at all...

i know what the 6262 sounds like, i just wanna know what the 6260 sounds like COMPARED to it, like... does it have more lows? is it muddier? less gain? all that good stuff

How does that not help? You said you have played 5150 for a long time, well the 6260 is the copy of a 5150. It's slightly different, but you can tell what it's trying to do. So, if it's copying a 5150, just a different flavor, then common sense would tell you that it'll be the same difference from the 6262 as a 5150 is from a 5150II. What the fuck.

You are asking questions that have no importance, like how close the Bugera sounds to the Peavey's they are copying - why does that even matter? If it sounds good then get it. It's not a Peavey 5150.
How does that not help? You said you have played 5150 for a long time, well the 6260 is the copy of a 5150. It's slightly different, but you can tell what it's trying to do. So, if it's copying a 5150, just a different flavor, then common sense would tell you that it'll be the same difference from the 6260 as a 5150 is from a 5150II. What the fuck.

You are asking questions that have no importance, like how close the Bugera sounds to the Peavey's they are copying - why does that even matter? If it sounds good then get it. It's not a Peavey 5150.

Always agree with 006 about bugera amps.
They are a tiny bit different, they're not the same, and they sound so great for that stupid price.
lol i was never asking how the 6260 sounds compared to its... errm... "inspiration", ie: the 5150. TTK does a well-enough comparison on his youtube videos.

However, there aren't any vidoes comparing the 5150 to the 5150 II or the 6260 to the 6262. THAT is what I was after, the intra-company model comparison, because its been like, almost 5 years since I played a 5150.

On a side note, I played a 6505+ the other day, and really didn't like it. Don't know if it was the cab, or the stock pickups in the Jackson Warrior I was playing, or if i just didn't spend enough time with the EQ, but I just really couldn't get a good thick, yet warm and smooth sound. The lack of gain was actually noticeable, and I think the 6262 actually has MORE gain than the 6505+ does. but thats just my ears
Really looking into getting a 6260. To the people that have one, how do feel about its overall build? Aside from it's crushing tone, do you think it would hold up well on a few months of touring?

I have a 6260 and even through the Bugera cab I can get a gnarly tone. The construction seems solid enough to me, I'd have no qualms about playing shows or touring with it, then again, the most I've done with it is bring it to school for some recording. The only real problem I have with it is that you have to turn it up pretty loud to open it up and a seperate EQ on the green channel would've been nice, but that's what the 6262 is for.
FWIW, the Behringer rep at my work told me that they were modeling the 6260/6262s off of Soldano, not Peavey

LOL! That sounds like they're lying to cover their asses... I mean come on... "6260... 5150... 6262... 5150 II". Just listen to the amp names when you say them out loud.
Who knows... I've never physically played on a Soldano before but those two amps don't really sound like 5150s to me

Oh, I agree... they don't sound a damn thing like 5150s... however, I have played several nice Soldanos over the years and the Bugeras don't sound any closer to those. I haven't heard the 333 model, but I already own a real Triple XXX, so why would I? :lol: