Building a recording desktop PC...


Alas, Tyranny
Nov 15, 2006
Athens, GA
Well I have grown out of my laptop. It's having a hard time handling the recording I'm doing and it certainly won't like it when I upgrade from GPO to EWQLSO... Plus its lagging, popping, and clicking as is, even with max latency settings.

It's time to upgrade!

So I've specced this desktop out:


2 of

Right in my budget. Am I missing anything? Aside from the obvious mobo/processor, but I'm planning on getting a quad core with a decent speed once the prices come down in a few weeks.

EDIT: Parts updated
Took a quick look. Think you're good to go.

You'll need something for firewire if you have an interface that uses it.

Edit: I'll suggest the Q6600 for your quad. By far the best price/performance out there.
the drives just plug into a slot, no futzing with shitty SATA cables that fall out if you look at them wrong

its near silent, when I put in my new heatsink on the cpu it will be even better.

I will agree it's not perfect, it is extremely well built and worth the money for sure. The next revision of this model should be very interesting.

There are rubber shocks on all the drives. Yours has 80mm fans, mine has 120mm fans, which move more air at lower speeds.
The case is several layers of aluminum with foam rubber (I believe) between, not a single sheet of aluminum like most cases.
Mine also has 11 drive bays vs 7 for yours.

Mine looks more like the Monolith from 2001, yours looks like a fridge. :)
And Matt is nowhere to be found. Perhaps enjoying his new pc?

maybe he said "Fuck it" and bought a Dell.


Sorry... I've been mucking about with this a lot actually... Saying "Fuck it" and buying a Dell is what has me in this position. Nice for internet and music listening but worthless for recording. Or maybe its just the Presonus drivers? Either way.

I've added the SIIG card to my order. I actually found a cheaper SIIG card than the no-name I had on order... go figure.

The Antec case looks GREAT. Very dark and sleek looking, would go great with my monitors and desk :D I might go with that. Another couple of cases I've been looking at:

So maybe I'm a sucker for blue LEDs...

Will the prices drop much on the Intel Q6600? I'm basically looking at a $200 budget for mobo and processor at this point. Maybe more, but not by a whole lot, depending on how Christmas goes.

I do appreciate all the help! :D Thanks!
I will agree [the Antec P182 is] not perfect, it is extremely well built and worth the money for sure. The next revision of this model should be very interesting.

Do you mean the P190, or one that hasn't even hit their website yet?

I've had an original P180 sitting unopened in my garage for years. Hopefully it won't become obsolete before I can be arsed to finally use it.
I've been doing more research... And a lot of the bench marks I'm finding are placing the Pentium E5200 pretty comparably with the Q6600. One guy even went so far as to say that you get 90% of the performance for 45% of the price.

They both use LGA 775 slots. I'm thinking I could buy the Pentium E5200 now, and when the high end LGA 775 processors are at the end of their line ( around $100 ) I'll upgrade to that. Would this be a sound idea, or is the Q6600 worth the extra $100?

I usually record symphonic metal, so LOTS of plugins and VSTi instruments.
What kind of load does GPO...

Wait, 30 fucking instances of GPO? Did nobody ever teach you the meaning of the word "enough"? That box can probably handle it, but... are you trying to give Nightwish cheese envy?
