Building a youtube fanbase

Jun 26, 2009
New Jersey
Is it just a matter of putting up good videos and hoping somebody sees them and spreads them around? Or do people put alot of time in posting and advertising there pages? I was having a conversation with a friend today about it and wanted to know what you guys think
Yeah, try to cover a ton of facets. Do pranks, recording tutorials, whatever the fuck you want, but the more videos you have the more people will see them (hopefully). It also helps to friend a fuck ton of people, because then when you "like" or upload videos, they see that shit on their home page and you can post bulletins that will appear as well. Also another good strategy is just commenting on videos, if you get a highest rated comment on a video, chances are people are going to click your name and check out your page. Just have your featured video auto play and anyone that stumbles on to your page is going to be hearing your band.