

Villain of the piece
Dec 19, 2001
Evil lair
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y'know.. the things with pages and words and the like..anyone read them? read anything lately? i used to read bukes years back mostly read technical manuals these days :erk:
Last good week I've read Jack Kerouac's On the road and Dharma Bums and Mary Shelley's Frankenstein. Even enjoyed all of them

Plus some bits in history books I won't bore you with. All for that university thing I claim to be attending.
i like history bukes but, full of wars and sly bastards

tried reading frankenstein when i was a kid but gave up on it. some of the victorian penny dreadful stuff is quite fun, varney the vampire etc
lately i'm reading the sandman comics and i finished stardust from neil gaiman the other day (fairy tale kind of, bad dutch translation i think), i'll start this biography from anais nin tomorrow, am still reading paranoia, fifties book from a belgian writer named w.f. hermans and the suffering of the young werther or however that's called in english. from goethe that one.

i'm still looking for funny books though... advice?
The Camino: A Journey Of The Spirit
Started off good, it's getting a bit odd now.

Im reading my kids Harry Potter book coz she begged me to. Its actually dead good. Im reading it tho on the condition that she reads James Herbert. ho ho ho
Im reading Robert Rankin the four chocolate bunnies of the apocalypse..Im upto the last chapter at the moment. I bought it in London because of the title n the fact it was bright yellow but its been a pretty good read.

Its about a human who goes to a city inhabited by toys.. toys who are prossys, drink, have different religions etc. Quite weird. Funny though.
siderea said:
lately i'm reading the sandman comics

simply amazing, isnt it? big fan here. have the originals (in english) of books no. 1,2,4,5,8,9. im waiting for the rest to be delivered to the bookstore.

as for what im reading currently:

daniel pinchbeck - "breaking open the head: a psychedelic journey into the heart of contemporary shamanism"

those of you who are into psychedelics HAVE TO read this. this is the greatest thing after huxley's "doors of perception." much more profound even maybe

and i've got a few turkish novels and douglas adams waiting for me next. =)
Bambi said:
douglas adams is good for a giggle, and p.g wodehouse is too, so try them sid

was about to mention the hitchhiker's guide to the galexy. laughed myself to bits reading that. a bit long for reading in one go, so taking breaks and reading something else inbetween the books is alright I woul think.

readin some sci-fi novel by peter hamilton right now. or trying to. I've started, just to give up, on the last three books I've aquired (snorre, don quijote (spelling?), and that hamilton book), so I guess I'm not in the reading mood at the moment.
Don Corleone said:
simply amazing, isnt it? big fan here. have the originals (in english) of books no. 1,2,4,5,8,9. im waiting for the rest to be delivered to the bookstore.

yeah i'm pissed of today because the person who's still having nr. 3 from the library was supposed to bring it back today but didnt :(

i like it yeah, a friend of mine was talking a lot lot about them some years ago,i thought they'd be ununderstandable, but that's not the case at all... cant wait to continue...

thanks for the tips, havent read of adams yet, though i've seen some episodes of hitchhikers once...