Bukowski: marijuana is openly destructive

Isnt one of the negative aspects of marijuana that prolonged use generally causes anxiety and/or paranoia?

it can, but it totally depends on the individual

i used to get a bit paranoid when i first started smoking...really only about being caught high...but then i realized that most of the population either smokes weed, or has smoked weed - and of those who haven't, most of them don't give much of a shit if someone else is stoned. after realizing that, i stopped worrying and just enjoyed myself.

on the flipside, my wife used to smoke for years, then one day out of nowhere she totally flipped out after burning one, and started having massive anxiety any time she would smoke...so now she's been ganj-free for 3-4 years.

i, however, have come across little to no negative effects from my occasional smokeouts, so i have no reason to stop :Smokin: from time to time

Nice first post, NOT! This thread is really old and stupid
Rule of Thumb: DO NOT revive stupid old threads, especially for your FIRST post, MOTHER OF GOD!!!
I've never really been a big fan of weed. I have no problem with other people smoking it, but it's never really done anything for me. The last time I smoked it (home grown) I threw up spicy ramen noodles with such intensity that they came out of my nose. Worst twenty minutes of my life.
/\ You're doing it wrong.:D

I dont care what kick buttowski says, green is good all the time (except for a UA).

Openly destructive means weed is just up and telling you it's bad for you, which is not true. :p
Sometimes when I'm sober there's like this mental block keeping me from figuring out exactly what I need to do with a mix.
Smoke a bowl though, and I won't stop clicking for hours.
Sometimes when I'm sober there's like this mental block keeping me from figuring out exactly what I need to do with a mix.
Smoke a bowl though, and I won't stop clicking for hours.

A lot of my friends, including my ex, are like that, weed giving them that sort of tweek or different perspective that they need.
I've never gotten the attraction of weed either. Everyone that I have met (thus far) are just to fucking boring to deal with life sober. I've done it 5 times and everytime I ended up saying out loud "this is fucking retarded."

But more destructive than 'cohol? That's fucking stupidity at it's finest.
Coming from a boozer, I just don't get down with weed. Smoked more than a handful of times, I have some kind of anxiety obviously. Either way, be responsible and don't be a fucker. Shouldn't be too hard. And if it is, that sounds like a personal problem.
Alcohol is addictive shit. Yes, it's not like nicotine level of addictive, but unlike pot, people do actually get addicted to alcohol and that's where that shit fucks you up.

Weed's not addictive? I have a hard time believing that, considering the people I've seen in my personal life. I told my old singer (who hated cigarrette smoke) that I'd quit smoking cigarettes if he quit smoking pot. He made it a week and a half, I made it over a year. When I asked him why he couldn't do it, he gave me the same rigamarole my alcoholic father gave me: Why should I stop? I can stop any time I want...I just don't want to.

Yea, it's not addictive. Not at all.

Sorry, I think booze is destructive. So is weed. Coke. Heroin. Smokes. You name it. If you have an addictive personality, then you can be drawn into anything. Just because it's not addictive to YOU doesn't mean it's not addictive to the guy next to you. My father is a RAGING alcoholic, but I can drink and not worry about if I'll be able to have another, and another, and another. It doesn't have ahold of me.

It's all about the person, in the end, but to say weed flat-out isn't addictive is just ignorant.
Weed's not addictive? I have a hard time believing that, considering the people I've seen in my personal life. I told my old singer (who hated cigarrette smoke) that I'd quit smoking cigarettes if he quit smoking pot. He made it a week and a half, I made it over a year. When I asked him why he couldn't do it, he gave me the same rigamarole my alcoholic father gave me: Why should I stop? I can stop any time I want...I just don't want to.

Yea, it's not addictive. Not at all.

Sorry, I think booze is destructive. So is weed. Coke. Heroin. Smokes. You name it. If you have an addictive personality, then you can be drawn into anything. Just because it's not addictive to YOU doesn't mean it's not addictive to the guy next to you. My father is a RAGING alcoholic, but I can drink and not worry about if I'll be able to have another, and another, and another. It doesn't have ahold of me.

It's all about the person, in the end, but to say weed flat-out isn't addictive is just ignorant.

Exactly. It can become mentally addicting, but it's not going to produce much in the way of withdrawal effects, because it's not really physically addicting. But anything can become mentally addicting, and that's the problem. The people you know are mentally attached to it.