Bukowski: marijuana is openly destructive

Even though this is a super old thread, here's my two cents:

Whatever your vice may be, all of it is manageable in moderation. When something becomes a day to day habit, then you'll start to see problems. I get drunk probably once every 1-3 weeks depending on what's going on/what my work schedule is like. While that's probably more then most (or maybe not), I still think of it as a manageable amount. However, I have 2 good friends who smoke weed every day and over the course of the last 10 years or so, I've seen a fairly drastic change in them. Both of them at one time were pretty incredible musicians, but over time one in particular has actually lost some of his talent regardless of the fact that he still plays at least 2-3 hours a day. His timing has really been affected. Am I sure it's the chronic weed smoking? Of course not, but it is an interested parallel to see.

Smoking weed is definitely less dangerous then drinking or smoking cigarettes by a mile. However, I think there's a bit of a danger in that people seem to think that smoking weed is entirely safe and no long term effects. Anyone's who has ever worked with/knows older people who have smoked weed for 20 years + will be able to tell you there is something that happens to you when you've been exposed to it for that long.....

Anyways having said that, I'd rather see a bunch of stoned people running around talking about the dummest shit ever, then a bunch of drunks picking fights or drinking and driving.
Exactly. It can become mentally addicting, but it's not going to produce much in the way of withdrawal effects, because it's not really physically addicting. But anything can become mentally addicting, and that's the problem. The people you know are mentally attached to it.

Wrong. Withdrawals is common, google it, heaps of people have reported withdrawals from smoking weed. Its been discussed online by thousands of people
People have reported withdrawals usually for 3-5 days after smoking it for a long period of time.
These include: Not being able to eat (or struggling to eat), hot/cold flashes, weight loss, nightmares, mild insomnia, moody, the list goes on...

People have also reported the similar withdrawals with Synthetic Weed (Man-made Cannabinoids eg JWH-018)
Google it yourself, have a look on weed forums, its all over the place
People have reported withdrawals usually for 3-5 days after smoking it for a long period of time.
These include: Not being able to eat (or struggling to eat), hot/cold flashes, weight loss, nightmares, mild insomnia, moody, the list goes on...

People have also reported the similar withdrawals with Synthetic Weed (Man-made Cannabinoids eg JWH-018)
Google it yourself, have a look on weed forums, its all over the place

there's a study on the subject. it consisted of studying withdrawal symptoms on subjects diagnosed with marijuana dependency, which is rare as it is.

symptoms are what you listed but the list doesn't go on... those are it.

the study showed that less than half of the subjects, addicted to the stuff mind you, suffered from either mental or physical withdrawal symptoms. that's hardly "all over the place".
there's a study on the subject. it consisted of studying withdrawal symptoms on subjects diagnosed with marijuana dependency, which is rare as it is.

symptoms are what you listed but the list doesn't go on... those are it.

the study showed that less than half of the subjects, addicted to the stuff mind you, suffered from either mental or physical withdrawal symptoms. that's hardly "all over the place".

People who have an addiction personality probably get worse withdrawals than others
I know for a fact that its all over the place, Ive researched as I was experiencing this myself, also other members of my family and close friends experienced this problem.
Have you experienced it yourself?? Problem is people chiming in with something they know little about or havent even experienced themselves
Did you google it?? Doubt it, that study doesnt tell me much because the conditions of the subject was not stated, what is a normal case of marijuana dependency??
Perhaps, you could "Enlighten me" with the link to the study...
Heres a snapshot of 113,000 results from google, searching DISCUSSIONS ONLY. Searching the entire web came up with 7.5 million results...
People who have an addiction personality probably get worse withdrawals than others
I know for a fact that its all over the place, Ive researched as I was experiencing this myself, also other members of my family and close friends experienced this problem.
Have you experienced it yourself?? Problem is people chiming in with something they know little about or havent even experienced themselves
Did you google it?? Doubt it, that study doesnt tell me much because the conditions of the subject was not stated, what is a normal case of marijuana dependency??
Perhaps, you could "Enlighten me" with the link to the study...
Heres a snapshot of 113,000 results from google, searching DISCUSSIONS ONLY. Searching the entire web came up with 7.5 million results...

no, i have not experienced marijuana withdrawal (i don't even use it at all myself, but i recognize its potential in medical use) nor have i ever seen or heard of any person who has.

just because you can find lots of discussion on the subject, doesn't mean cannabis withdrawal is all over the place. i took a quick look and as i suspected, it's all mostly just discussion about what this withdrawal is like and how common it is, which doesn't differ much from the discussions in this thread.

here you will find the details, as well as the scale for a 'normal case of marijuana dependency':


it is an illegal drug, so wouldn't you think some people might just think they're experiencing withdrawal symptoms? i think so.
"it is an illegal drug, so wouldn't you think some people might just think they're experiencing withdrawal symptoms? i think so"

You can't just THINK your experiencing withdrawals when your body temps go up and down very fast, struggling to eat, sleep, etc.
Maybe some kids that THINK they are addicted just to act kool or something

Regards the study it says: less than half experienced Cannibis Withdrawals Symptoms (CWS) at a high intensity and the rest experienced low intensity CWS
Means they all experienced withdrawals of some kind, less than half experienced physical and psychological symptoms. While, the rest experienced low intensity withdrawals
Less than half is still a number of the 73 subjects that successfully completed the analysis course. This is proof that physical withdrawals affected a number of cannabis users
High intensity CWS were due to consumption intensity and personality dimensions (how long/much they smoked and addiction personality i believe)
They all experienced withdrawals, whether high or low intensity depends on their consumption and personality, exactly what i said in that post above

On another note, New Zealand and Australia are the biggest stoners in the world they reckon lolz wtf http://www.nzherald.co.nz/nz/news/article.cfm?c_id=1&objectid=10777223
Its definitely all over the place here in my home country of New Zealand
I smoked for about 15 years, heavily for the last three or so of those, then in Dec. of 2010 I stopped completely, cold turkey brrrrr. I had crazy dreams for about three weeks, was anxious and overly bored when I shouldn't have been, and it actually led to me not liking beer as much as an after work relaxation elixir. It's not like I was sweating and couldn't sleep, just some mild annoyances until I forgot about smoking pretty much within a few weeks.

But hey now I do it again (just not as much), so fuck it.:loco:
You can't just THINK your experiencing withdrawals when your body temps go up and down very fast, struggling to eat, sleep, etc.
Maybe some kids that THINK they are addicted just to act kool or something

i wouldn't be surprised if some people just think they have marijuana withdrawal and then experience it, in the same way placebos work. human mind is a powerful thing.

They all experienced withdrawals, whether high or low intensity depends on their consumption and personality, exactly what i said in that post above

hangover is a type of withdrawal you experience each time you get drunk.

i'm not saying marijuana withdrawal doesn't exist, i'm saying it probably wouldn't become a problem for the vast majority of smokers if they decided to stop. i also haven't seen proof that it's all over the place like you said, unless you meant it in its mildest form in which case i think you're making a big deal out of a small inconvenience.
I'm guessing I know more regular super heavy smokers than most of you, and all of them are completely addicted to it. I was addicted as well, after smoking 1/4oz every 3 days for 2 years I had to quit due to it giving me severe anxiety. Withdrawal was hell, I was insanely restless, getting hot and cold flushes, had panic attacks (if you've never had one before then you have no idea what it is like, it's not fucking anxiety like most people think), I couldn't sleep for weeks and I experienced extreme mood swings, depression etc.

No offense sopulurn but you simply can't have seen anyone that smokes as heavily as I have, otherwise you'd realize that these people can't just stop and that withdrawal is very common and can be extremely serious for those of a fragile mind. How you can say it's not a common thing without being a smoker and clearly knowing nothing about it is beyond me.
No offense sopulurn but you simply can't have seen anyone that smokes as heavily as I have, otherwise you'd realize that these people can't just stop and that withdrawal is very common and can be extremely serious for those of a fragile mind. How you can say it's not a common thing without being a smoker and clearly knowing nothing about it is beyond me.

fair enough, sorry for some of the misinformed things i said.

thinking about it now, despite not being a smoker myself i know a large amount of relatively heavy smokers, but i wasn't taking age into account. in my agegroup there are almost no 5-year smokers, least of all 10-year smokers. guess that's why i haven't seen it yet.
A 1/4 every 3 days Joe, damn - they last me 2-3 weeks :lol:

Shit was bad man, I used to smoke as soon as I woke up and then every hour or so afterwards until I fell asleep again, massive fucking zoots with tobacco as well. Those were dark days but now that I'm clean, I'm never fucking going back.

My last post might have come over as a douche thing to say but after getting as fucked up as I did I really can't let people say it's not addictive, because I've been there and seen it a million times in person and I only got as deep as I did because I kept kidding myself it wasn't addictive or a bad thing.
8 hours?!!! where can i get me some of that shit?? o_O

I made that post 2 years ago but well, it feels like 8 hours :lol:

Fuck knows, but I cooked some hash once, ate a quarter by accident because I thought it wasn't working and I swear I was fucked out my head for a solid 24.
Öwen;10265122 said:
I made that post 2 years ago but well, it feels like 8 hours :lol:

Fuck knows, but I cooked some hash once, ate a quarter by accident because I thought it wasn't working and I swear I was fucked out my head for a solid 24.

Dude, that is legitimately insane, I've had some hash for a bit now and it takes so very little to take you straight to space