Bulb - New heavy song up on myspace and soundclick!


Jan 4, 2007
Hey guys,
So its our day off on our mini tour and it happens to be at home, and the band i was supposed to record cancelled, so i figured i should record something instead of just sitting around haha. I felt like doing something on the heavy and chaotic side of things so this is what i came up with:

Its called "Mr. Person" and you can find it here:

liking this snare better than the last mf batches. back to standard sd2.0?

yeah, im working on the periphery album mix, so for that i would rather go with a year of tweaking rather than a few days, back to 2.0 we go, and when i have some time to mess around, ill spend some quality time with mf as i actually think the sounds have way more potential than the 2.0 ones do.
thanks guys!
dandelium: ah thats a shame dude but completely understandaboo, i have to say that on my end im much happier with the overall drum and guitar tone on this mix as compared to others, but then again diff strokes haha!
disagree on the kick pumping, i can't detect it at all. if anything it's added punch. dude your MIDI composing of these drums is unfucking believable. what's your workflow like?? do you go 100% by hand from scratch, or a MIDI keyboard, or do you have a secret super library of midi patches that you plop in and chop up? do you create a "skeleton" first and then go back and the fills/techy stuff??
dude your MIDI composing of these drums is unfucking believable. what's your workflow like?? do you go 100% by hand from scratch, or a MIDI keyboard, or do you have a secret super library of midi patches that you plop in and chop up? do you create a "skeleton" first and then go back and the fills/techy stuff??

I've been wondering this myself. I would imagine that by now he has a massive library of patterns and fills that he's created himself, and modifies these to suit. Some of these are definitely not generic drag and drops, though.
gareth: nah all drums are at the standard pitch.

i usually program the drums right after tracking the riff, and i just do it from scratch by clicking the notes into the midi grid, honestly im just so used to entering the notes in im probably faster at that now than i would be searching through a library of previous beats. Also the beats need to be pretty specialized too.