Bulb - New project "Snuggles" with Nolly and short TIL 8 string groove!


Jan 4, 2007
Hey guys,

So my good buddy Nolly (of the band Red Seas Fire) is visiting me, and we decided kind of on the spot to write some fun high energy songs for a new side project we decided to name "Snuggles"
For those who already checked it out, we now have a new song up called "Phillistine" and for those who didnt, we have 3 songs up yay! They are instrumental for the time being, but we are looking for any interested vocal collaborators to send us some clips so we can try to find our guy!

You can check it here: http://www.myspace.com/snugglesband

Also since a few people have been asking about a clip of the Illustrated 8 string guitar, i decided to whip something up really quickly. I tuned the guitar absurdly low, not really sure to what to be quite honest, and kinda sloppily put this clip together, but it does showcase just how djenty that guitar is haha!

You can hear that at: http://www.myspace.com/iambulb
or at: http://www.soundclick.com/bands/page_songInfo.cfm?bandID=147108&songID=7496117

Just thought i might as well update you guys on the non periphery stuff, but worry not we are finishing up the preproduction for the album this month and we have set aside the first 3 weeks of May for tracking the album!

thanks guys!
nah we wont be using those tracks for a few reasons:
basically orbo didnt find out exactly what he was getting for his money (thank god he was the only one paying for the tracks) and as a result the tracks would still need A LOT of work before they would be up to our standard (editing, quantizing, drum replacing etc)
to top it off we werent always crazy about all of his "orbination" to the original drum parts, so this will also allow us to have the drums sound the way they should have been all along as our new drummer Matt is definitely on the same wavelength as us with the beats, things will groove harder than ever now!